P4/3 Tuesday 21st April

Good morning everyone, I hope you had a lovely day in the sun yesterday!   Some life skills for you today, make sure you make your bed, brush your teeth and make your own cold breakfast.  I’m sure most of you can pour out some cereal and milk.  I would also like you to do one chore around the house today, it’s nice to help out your parents.  They are working hard trying to work and keep you entertained and busy.  Show them you appreciate them by helping out!

Health and Wellbeing

Begin your day with some exercise or yoga.

Jump start Johnny on you tube is super fun and a great way to begin your day.  Also, Oti Mabuse is still offering dance classes at 11.30 each day, this week the theme is Pop, have a go!

Don’t forget to use your yoga poses and breathing which you learned last term, to take some time out to relax throughout the day!


Continue to add more phoneme words to your lists and choose 3 new words to write out 3 times and a sentence for each.

I have attached a punctuation worksheet for you to try.

Punctuation worksheet

Parents: There are two worksheets. The first is the task being asked and the second is a challenge for those wanting to expand their learning.  You and your child can make the choice which one to complete.


Recite your 3,4,5 and 6 times tables today.


Use the above website to play your favourite game – Hit the button.  Choose the times table you want to practise and go!!

Continue from yesterday with rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.  I have attached the following worksheet.  This does not need to be printed.  You can simply record your answers orally with an adult or write them down.



As we know, our P3 children made their reconciliation before we closed.  Continue to reflect on your attitude and behaviours towards others and if you feel the need to seek forgiveness for your actions, make time for some silent prayer time.  A Hail Mary and an Our Father together with an Act of Sorrow would be appropriate prayers.

Additional Info:

BBC bitesize are offering free lessons on a variety of subjects that might be of interest to some of you.  Simply choose your Primary and chose the lessons you want to learn about.

Updated grids are available to download for any additional tasks you may want to undertake.

Have a lovely day everyone!

Mrs G

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