P4/3 – Monday 20th April

Good morning everyone!  I hope you all had a nice time over Easter.  I am sure that even though if was a quieter celebration for us all, you still managed to eat your chocolate eggs and have some fun in the garden.  We had an Easter egg hunt and our dinner in the back garden!!  I would love to hear your “Easter holiday news”, let’s start by writing a few sentences about this.  Remember you can email me them or reply on here.

Beginning today, I will be posting tasks for you to complete on here.  There are new grids for you to access too. (See Mrs McKinney’s post).


If you can, log on to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ this is great website for reading books.  Choose one of your choice and make sure you read a few pages or one chapter a day.  I will be asking you to do some work from these.  If you have your own books at home or are already signed up to another online reading resource, then that is fine, it doesn’t have to be this one.

P3 Phoneme – ie (eg, field)

p4 Phoneme – f, ff, ph

Make a list of words with this sound. Remember to use a different colour to highlight the phoneme.

Choose 3 of these words and write them out in your jotter 3 times and write a sentence for each.  Remember to make your sentences longer by using conjunction words such as and, but.


We will revisit Place Value this week and rounding to the nearest 10 and 100.

First let’s do a little Number Talks activity:

How many strategies can you use to find the answer to:

(P3) 67 + 45

(P4) 144 + 68

Below are some place value games to get you started this morning.

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 (Choose level 2 or 3 with a 5 second interval between each question)



I have attached a rounding worksheet for you to complete. (The answers are attached too, but no peaking!)

Rocket Rounding to 10 Activity Sheet


For daily exercise, you can follow Joe Wicks routines and classes online which I know many of you have been doing already.  It’s going to be nice today so maybe you could design your own obstacle course in your garden or if you don’t have access to a garden, try some interval training when you are out on your walk – 10 star jumps, 10 hops, 10 burpies, and my favourite “the plank” for 10 seconds or longer if you can!!


Remember to keep up with your prayers, especially your act of sorrow P3.  I would like you to finish your lessons today with our Angel of God prayer:

Angel of God, my guardian dear

To whom God’s love commits me here,

Ever this day be at my side

To light and guard, to rule and guide

Fr Campbell is streaming live mass every Sunday and you should try to catch this.  Yesterday we heard about Thomas and how he did not believe that Jesus had risen until he saw it with his own eyes.  Watch the following video.  This is a time where we need to believe in Jesus and ask him to protect us and our families.  Can you create your own bidding prayer, asking God to protect us and keep us healthy and safe.


Parents: Remember this is only a guide, please do not feel under pressure to complete all tasks.

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