Monday 30th March

Good morning P4/3!

Spring is definitely here!  What a glorious morning.  I hope you all had a lovely weekend and got outside to enjoy the weather!  Today, I would like you to take your learning outside if you can.  I have attached a spring scavenger hunt for you!  When you complete this, you should try making one of your own for other family members.  Perhaps you could do it on a computer and email it to family members and friends.

Spring is all about new beginnings and although this is a strange time for us all, I would like you to think about all the new things you are learning at home or things that you would like to learn.  For example, baking a cake, learning to knit or sew, planting seeds in the garden.  Make a list and as the weeks go by you can tick them off.  It would also be nice for you to keep a journal, record your activities and thoughts and feelings.  You could do this too by taking photos of your “home schooling time” and create a collage or photo book. Don’t forget to upload some of your activities and accomplishments to twitter so I can see how you are doing – I look forward to these and they put a big smile on my face!

Keep up with your grid tasks, First News and Sum dog.

Enjoy your morning!  I will pop on later this afternoon with another little message!

Mrs Graham

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