Newsletters are sent out regularly keeping parents informed of all that is happening in the school. The school also uses text messages and email to keep in contact with parents. A school website is also available. Regular updates can also be found on the school’s Twitter account. @SikesidePS
Workshops will be arranged this year following consultation with parents on their needs. Parents will be involved through questionnaires about life and work in school and will be encouraged to become involved in all aspects of school life i.e. Fundraising, Enterprise Activities, School Show, etc.
Children’s work is sent out on a monthly basis for you to discuss with your children. Over and above this parents are invited to two parents meetings and a written report at the end of the school year.
Our Parent Council work to engage parents in fund raising and passing information both ways on school life.
We operate an ‘open door’ policy for any parental concerns. Please contact the Head Teacher with any concerns you may have about your child and these will be dealt with appropriately and sensitively in accordance with school policies.
Should you wish to enquire about any of our policies please see the Head Teacher who will be happy to assist you in this matter.