Sikeside Primary


A breakfast service is available every morning from 8.15am – 8.45am for every child from Sikeside.  It serves cereals, fresh fruit juices and toast.  This club is used regularly by children from the school.

There is no cost for the breakfast service for pupils in P1 to P3.

The cost for all other pupils in P4-P7 not entitled to a free school meal is as follows:

One child £1 per day, 2 children £1.50, 3 children £1.80 and 4 children £2.10

The school operates a cashless cafeteria system and a variety of snack meals are available as well as the traditional two course meal.

Special diet procedures required as a result of a medical condition (a medically prescribed diet e.g. coeliac disease, diabetes, PKU, food allergy or intolerance) can be provided in school by our catering staff. A medically prescribed diet form must be completed and signed by the Child’s Registered Dietician or General Practitioner. Procedures and forms can be accessed online through North Lanarkshire Council’s website, by the school, the catering service or also in some cases by the child’s dietitian or doctor. For some conditions (PKU, coeliac) parents/carers may be asked to supply prescription foods or attend a meeting to discuss the child’s dietary requirements.

For information a vegetarian meal option is offered on a daily basis.

Children of parents receiving Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance (income based), and Employment & Support Allowance (income related), universal credit are entitled to a meal without charge.  As of January 2015, all P1 – 3 pupils are entitled to a free school meal.

Early Years Provision – If your child is aged between 2 and 4 years and attends a North Lanarkshire Council or Partnership Provider Nursery, in the middle of the day for more than 4 hours per day, may be entitled to a free meal.  Parents must be in receipt of any of the qualifying benefits above or in receipt of State Pension Credit or Incapacity and Severe Disablement Allowance. Your child will also be entitled if they are or have been at any point since their second birthday looked after; the subject of a kinship care or guardianship order.

Information and application forms for free school meals may be obtained from schools, first stop shops and Municipal Buildings, Coatbridge.

Parents are entitled to receive a clothing grant if they are in receipt of any of the following benefits: Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance (income based).  Employment & Support Allowance (income related), universal credit, housing benefit, council tax rebate.

From August 2020, all eligible two year olds and all children aged from 3 to those not yet attending primary school that attend a North Lanarkshire Council Nursery or a Funded Provider (childminder or voluntary/private nursery), will be entitled to 1140 hours Early Learning and Childcare provision. Those children attending for four hours per day, or more, will receive a free meal as part of the Early Learning and Childcare entitlement.

All nursery children are offered a healthy snack during both sessions.

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