Sikeside Primary


In Sikeside Primary School we operate a Policy which promotes Positive Behaviour and endeavours to enhance self-esteem.  The children earn Respect Tokens on a daily basis as a result of hard work and good behaviour.  We therefore encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions and act in a manner which is acceptable to society.  However, we acknowledge that bullying and being bullied is a common experience within schools and sometimes incidents can occur which take time to be brought to the attention of those who are in a position to help.  Restorative Circles can show children that there is support from their peers and can encourage them to report incidents at an early stage.  They can be assured that incidents of bullying reported in this school will not be ignored.  Bullying is unacceptable and will be dealt with in a consistent manner.


Often the situation cannot be resolved immediately but, with the support of parents, teachers and pupils, Sikeside Primary can work towards making the school a “Bully Free Zone”.

Complaints are recorded.  Consultation with parents and pupils is considered an important part of this process.



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