North Lanarkshire Council – Children’s Rights Video
Please access the following document for more information about children’s rights in Scotland. Introduction to children’s rights.pdf
A survey about Numeracy at Shawhead Primary was conducted in September 2022 to gather the views of pupils, parents and carers. Click this link to access the results and how we are using the information to improve Numeracy across the school. Numeracy Survey Results Sept 2022 (1).docx
The main online communication used is Twitter. Information, photographs and updates are regularly posted to keep parents and carers informed about the school and nursery. If you would like to follow us on Twitter, please make a friend request to @ShawheadPS for the school or @ShawheadN for the nursery class.
Due to the high volume of building work taking place around the school, it has been decided that the bottom gate at the Shawhead flats will be locked and out of use for pupils and parents. There are a lot of large vehicles and heavy equipment in this area and in order to keep children away from this, the gate will be closed for the foreseeable future. Parents and carers
Breakfast clubs Primary school breakfast clubs provide an excellent start to the school day. They aim to: provide a healthy nutritious meal help children to be alert and ready to learn encourage children to mix with their friends improve attendance and performance throughout the day reassure parents that their child is safe when dropped off in the morning All primary schools in North Lanarkshire operate a breakfast club. Shawhead Primary breakfast
Nursery Enrolments for session 2022-2023 are now open. Please see the attached form and guidance which must be completed and returned online. If you require a paper copy please contact the school office on 01236 794838. Completed forms and required information should be emailed to The closing date for applications is Friday 11th February 2022 ELC_ApplicationForm ELC_Guidance
Please click on the link to view information about Primary1 enrolment for August 2022. Shawhead Primary School and Nursery Class Primary 1 Enrolment August 2021 Dear Parents and Carers, Go to this Sway Click here to download the P1 Enrolment form P1 Enrolment Form
All health and social care services in Scotland have a duty of candour. This is a legal requirement which means that when things go wrong and mistakes happen, the people affected understand what has happened, receive an apology, and that organisations learn how to improve for the future. An important part of this duty is that we provide an annual report about the duty of candour in our services. Please
In consultation with staff, pupils and parents we are currently refreshing our Curriculum Rationale which is: ‘a shared understanding of what we want to achieve for the children in the school, what do we want for them and how are we going to go about it.’ Please help us to shape our curriculum and how and what the children learn at Shawhead PS & NC by answering the following questions. We