Category Archives: Rainbow Room

Wow what a quick term…..

We cannot believe how quickly this term has flown by and the learning which has taken place. Each day the children have added something new to their learning. We have found that it’s so much quicker to share your child learning daily on TWITTER, please follow us on @CentreShotts.

The Three Read Approach to Literacy home link resources have continued to be a resounding success, with parents and children alike sharing their engagement in the stories being read at home.

Loose parts have inspired many of the children to be creative, to work cooperatively and share their learning with others.

Many of the children have taken part in weekly Langueland sessions facilitated by Isabel.  These groups are specifically designed to support the children’s attention and listening skills.  If you would like to find out more about these sessions then please speak to Isabel direct.

Its lovely to observe so many children who want to take their learning into the kitchen to bake and cook.  These are life long skills which will continue with them as they grown and develop.

Wow, the success of the family Bookbug sessions have been outstanding with over 90% attendance throughout since the beginning of term in all of the groups.

Nurture Nature at the Shotts Nature Park, we hope that you have been following their adventures on TWITTER.   A local gentleman Mr George King has been making some beautiful fairy doors and houses and placing them strategically throughout the park.  Than k you Mr King.

And finally, all the children have been issued with a Sponsor form, and an icon of rhymes for you to learn them at home for the Sponsored Rhyme Event on Tuesday 23rd October 2018. Parents, carers and grandparents are welcome to come along at 11.15 am and 3.15 pm to hear the children recite the rhymes.  All donations received will go directly to the nursery.

We hope to see you all at the Mind full or mindful? event with Edward Reid on Tuesday 23rd October at 7 pm – 8.30 pm in Calderhead High School this is an adult only, ticketed event. If you need tickets please speak directly to your child’s key worker.  This is just the beginning of our community events as we continue to put nurture and relationships at the heart of our work with children and families.

We hope that you have a lovely October holiday, relax and enjoy some autumn fun.

New discoveries in the Rainbow Room

The children have been making lots of new discoveries within the Rainbow Room, creating gloop and bubbles in the water, discovering sounds from the instruments, deciding and making snack from using the toaster to boiling up some pasta.

The morning children have had great fun recreating the story of “the pig in the pond” after helping to create our very own Nelligan’s Farm, which also links with our new rhyme “old Mcdonald had a farm”


Nurturing Relationships

The children in the Rainbow Room have been learning how to include others in their play, whilst nurturing relationships. Some of the children have shown an interest in Role Play, in particular with shopping and caring for the babies, an outing to the local Coop was particular successful where the children were learning how to exchange money for goods..Whilst others have been using the water and sand to develop their curiosity and early mathematical skills.

It has been lovely to have new children spending time in the Rainbow Room with their peers.

Learning together in the Rainbow Room

The children from the Rainbow Room are continuing to learn their songs and rhymes by attending the Bookbug sessions with their parents and care givers.

Our children have also been experiencing their wider community, by being more active, walking to and from Shotts  Nature Park.

The weekly Family Learning Play on Pedals sessions are a huge success, whereby children are working with their families to improve their health and wellbeing.

With the children been introduced to Sid and Shannari they have began to explore early numerical terms such as how many? Counting in sequence.

The children have also had opportunities to develop their curiosity with foamy paint, shaving foam and painting on a variety of surfaces.




Developing literacy skills in the Rainbow Room

Children in the Rainbow Room have been very creative. They have been painting on a larger scale using the easel, mirrors and large pieces of paper.

Learning the rhyme “Two little Dickie Birds” has led the children to create their own nests for Peter and Paul from natural material found in the garden.

We have  introduced some percussion instruments to help the children learn about steady beats during Bookbug and singing and rhyme sessions.

On Thursday we also enjoyed another session with Jen, focusing on communication and print  as we took a walk to the co-op to buy  ingredients to make happy face pizzas at home,  matching our items to some food pictures.

Bookbug Rhyme Time sessions

What a fabulous support we had at the recent launch of this terms Bookbug Rhyme Time, it was lovely to have colleagues from health and CLD to join us.

Every Wednesday morning the group will take place for you and your child from 9 am until 9.15 am with Susan and Amanda, where Bookbug will then issue you will a lovely rhyme bag to share at home with your child until the following session.

In the room we shall be incorporating the rhyme Humpty Dumpty, into the children’s play, we hope that you will help them hear it at home too.

 Top Tip from Gemma speech and language therapist

Extend vocabulary – give lots of repetition of words and offer choices to increase vocabulary e.g. ” apple or banana”. Speak in a lively, animated voice to highlight new words to your child.

Contact us


Facebook: Speech and Language Therapy NHS Lanarkshire

Telephone advice line: 01236 794102 (Thursday 2 – 4 pm)

Nurturing nature explorers

The morning children attended  Shotts Nature Park with their mum, where they put their curiosity skills into action by creating a  forest friend using clay.

Water whether that be made from a puddle or by a running steam provides endless possibilities. The children were fascinated by the ripples made by the stones as they threw them into the pond  and developed their early writing skills as they used mud and a sticks to create their marks on the ground.

In the afternoon the children explored the park independently as developed their awareness of risk as they  swung and climbed  the trees, built dens and played hide and seek.

Family learning sessions will continue alternate Wednesday’s for each session……Wednesday 19th July at 1 pm will be the afternoon families.  Please note that this is only for children who are currently registered to attend.


Curious twos

The children in the Rainbow Room curiosity skills are continuously being developed through the skilful interaction of the practitioners. The rainy weather has provided endless opportunities as they watch the flow, fill their buckets and splash as loudly as they can watching the bubbles form.

The weekly parent and child Forest School sessions have been a resounding success. On the recent visit they caught some tadpoles and are fascinated watching them shed their tails as they grow.


They have been searching for insects, beasties and bugs and were in awe when they set the butterflies free.


Over the next few weeks we shall be welcoming some new families and a few of the children from the early level playroom will be joining us for the summer holidays.

Learning together in the the Rainbow Room

Outdoor learning has provided the children with so many opportunities to develop their curiosity skills.  They have been in awe of the tiny tadpoles found in the pond and surprised how easy it was to blow the dandelions.

The story of the Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, provided the children with opportunities to develop their early numeracy skills as they counted out how many pieces of fruit and foods he munched through before turning into a butterfly.  They are now following the life of the caterpillar as it turns into a butterfly.  Why not ask your little one to show you where they are kept in the playroom.

The enjoyment of stories cannot be underestimated.  Here the children are able to share their story via a photograph album of their time at the Nature Park and spend quality time with the support of an adult as they share a story together.

Wow, working together as they use lots of open ended resources to problem solve.

The Play on Pedals Family Learning session.  It proves you are never to young to take part in this programme.  Here the children are demonstrating their wonderful skill of balance, coordination and safety.