Category Archives: Early Level

Spring time Learning

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Children within the 3-5 playroom have returned from the Easter break full of energy and ready to learn.  With the welcomed appearance of the sun and the temperatures rising the children have been even more motivated to explore the outdoor environment where they are discovering the sequence of how living things grow and develop as they plant seeds and learn what they need to survive.   Going on bug hunts using magnifying glasses has introduced the children to size and amounts as they discover the interesting creatures that live in our garden, information books have provided further knowledge on these topics and helped the ladies to answer the many questions asked.   Within the playroom these interest have been supported as children can recreate the images they have seen including flowers and mini beasts using a range of media.  Jigsaws, table top games, small world resources and Smart Board programmes have been used to enable children to researching within a variety of ways.

Children and staff are super excited about the arrival of the baby chicks coming on Monday.

We are learning to……


During the forthcoming weeks the children within the early level playroom will be learning to:

  • develop my oral language skills through the Three Read Approach
  • use new vocabulary in everyday play situations to consolidate my learning
  • develop understanding that my early mark making skills represent meaning
  • understand that fact finding books help me plan my learning
  • evaluate my own work and comment on others
  • appreciate and enjoy singing within group situations
  • understand that my voice is a tool that I can use in different ways to create sound and rhythm
  • develop and use  mathematical language within all aspects of my play
  • use enquiry skills to gather, sort and display my findings
  • have a basic understanding of what living things need to grow and develop 

The children will be developing there knowledge and skills whilst learning about Growing.  This will include planting seeds and recording the growth cycle of eggs hatching into chicks. We hope that you will enjoy sharing in your child’s learning at home.

Please click on the link below to access songs and rhymes that will support your child’s learning at home.

Songs & Rhymes 2016

Through the Three Read Approach to literacy children will be focuses on characters, setting and problems as well as exploring new vocabulary within each story. Why not ask your child to share these elements of the story with you.

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Nurturing Early Readers


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The children will be exploring these exciting stories during Nurturing Early Readers over the next couple of weeks.  They will be looking at the different characters, setting and problems within each story. Why not ask your child to share elements of the story with you.


We are learning to……..

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During March 2016  within the early learning playroom the children will be learning how to:

  • explore the key elements within stories and share these with others
  • identify individual letters and which ones they need to copy words
  • explore the difference between size and amounts
  • develop my handwriting  grasp when using mark making materials, especially when drawing and writing
  • control my body during physical opportunities and experiences

The children will be developing these skills whilst learning about the life of a Pet in the morning  and whilst taking on the roles of explorers tracking down the elusive Swiper in the afternoon.  We hope that you will enjoy sharing in your child’s learning at home.

The children’s learning journey so far can be observed from the photographs within the slideshow above : 

What it means….

  • Almost all of the children are able  to retell familiar stories, identifying elements such as the character and problem and most can predict the outcome. 
  • Some of the children have been able to write in sequence letters to create their own name.
  • Most children have been able to make representations through mark making letters within their name.
  • Some of the children have been able to identify that their name has more, less or the same amount of letter as others and share this with others.
  • Some of the children have been able to use and understand the use of a capital letter at the start of their name and smaller letters for the remaining. All children have been able to mark make/write using modified tripod grasp and tripod grasp.
  • The majority of children show confidence in moving and controlling their bodies within a variety of learning opportunities indoors and out.


South Childcare Network Outdoor Learning Group

Displayed in each reception areas are posters detailing the following information regarding forthcoming family outdoor sessions.  For more information speak to Lynn or Jackie. Or alternative click on the link to view the poster.

Outdoor Learning

Expressions of Interest

South Childcare Network Outdoor Learning Group has launched with family outdoor sessions between April–August 2016.

 The group has been funded by the Early Years Collaborative and is run by NLC Countryside Rangers and supported by local parents (parent champions) who have been trained in the Forest Schools approach.

The service aims to give local parents/carers and their families the chance to enjoy outdoor activities together such as den building, blind trails, outdoor arts and crafts, rope swings etc. within Strathclyde Park. The service is free of charge. Please promote this to parents /carers within your service. All places must be booked.

This service is only available to residents of North Lanarkshire. Please complete below information and return using the methods detailed below:

Sessions will operate on the following dates:

Saturday 2nd April

Saturday 14th May

Saturday 11th June

Saturday 9th July

Saturday 6th August

Parents/Carers can express an interest to attend more than one session though allocation of more than one will depend on the amount of those who wish to attend. Session places will be confirmed in advance of the event.

Parent /carers name and contact details. If possible include e-mail /phone number Number of adults in the family attending Number of children in the family attending Ages of the children Session/sessions family are wish to attend.













Please complete and return to:

Alison Hay email: or return by post to Alison Hay, C/O Workforce Development, Early Years and Childcare, Municipal Buildings, Kildonan St, ML5 3BT



Early Level learning

Within the 3-5 playroom, the children have been learning how to help one another, be kind and share. With the new addition of Shotts Café within the playroom, the children have been working together to prepare some wonderful food, including healthy pizzas and milkshakes, which they have very kindly shared with their friends, before working as a team to tidy up and clean the tables. As the sand is now on the floor , the children have had opportunities to share this space and the resources and work cooperatively. With the introduction of traditional table top games, the children are learning to wait for their turn and persevere. Through the use of the Seeds of Empathy books during Nurturing Early Readers the children are beginning to use emotional literacy within these play situations.

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Supporting Learning at Home

As discussed at the recent family learning sessions, we have included a few links which will support learning at home.  We hope that you will find them useful.…/play@home…health-scotland).aspx



Three Read Approach to Literacy Parent Workshop

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Thank you to all parents who attended the Three Read Approach to Literacy workshop to find out more about how we promote early reading skills through our Nurturing Early Readers programme at nursery.  We had lots of great conversations about how children’s literacy skills are being supported at home and parents where eager to implement elements of the Three Read Approach while reading to their own children at home.  We are now looking forward to welcoming parents into our Nurturing Early Reading groups week beginning 7th March 2016 to take part in one of our sessions. Please speak with your child’s key worker to find out more details.