Category Archives: Early Level

Developing an understanding of people and places in the local community

The children in the early level playroom are learning who and what there is in their local community who can help them.  They have written to Scottish Ambulance Service, Police Scotland, Strathclyde Fire Brigade and the Army to invite key personnel to visit them.

Do you or any of your family members work in these professions and would like to visit the children in the nursery to talk about your role?

A group of learners have been demonstrating their understanding of environmental print, by pointing out their address and signs in their local community as they plan their journey safely around Shotts.

On Friday 11th November the children will be having a visit from the Shotts Fire and Rescue crew with their fire engine, we have no doubt that there will be lots of excited children in the nursery.

Early observations have demonstrated that Friday’s Minin Movers with Rebecca from NLLeisure was a huge success. The children were learning how to use a steady count to 8 as they moved their bodies in time to the musical track from Jungle Book, Bear Necessities.  This programme will help to develop the children’s attention and listening skills, their use of early number and above all their health and wellbeing as they develop their movement skills.

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Early Level Curriculum

The children within the Early Level have demonstrated an interest in the people who help us within the local community such as police officers, firefighters, doctors, and dentists. Through the use of a range of books, and by using ICT equipment, the children are beginning to find out more information about the role these people have in helping us and keeping us safe. Following on from this, there has been lots of discussion about being helpful and responsible with the children carrying out tasks such as litter picking and ensuring they tidy their resources in the playroom when finished with them. The children continue to explore numbers, using them to count and sort and match by colour, size and type.

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Early Level

The children within the Early Level recently celebrated World Porridge Day where there was lots of discussion about helping others and being kind. The children tasted porridge for snack with various toppings which sparked an interest in familiar stories such as ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’ In the week leading up to World porridge day, the children re-enacted stories through role play and the use of puppets, created their own representations of their favourite characters, and experimented with porridge oats by adding them to playdough.

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Forest School session week 3

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All children were excited about having the new responsibility of packing their own bag, with a drink, hot or cold and a small snack which they were able to enjoy in the forest. Their feet were all lovely and cosy with the new wellie socks which they had chosen.

This week we made some lovely prints on canvas using stampers. The children then shared this with their buddies from Calderhead High School helping them to create their own.   The guardian of the forest is beginning to be created.

After all that hard work we very safely built a fire to toast our marshmallows, although the suggestion for next time is to roast ‘sausages’.

I am sure that there is no doubt that there are some tired little cherubs on a Thursday after the Forest School session.

We hope that everyone remembers next week what to bring with them, so here is a little reminder:

  • Drink in their thermos flask, this can be hot or cold, or perhaps even some soup
  • Wellie socks
  • Snack


Early Level Curriculum

The children in the Early Level have been continuing to develop friendships and are beginning to understand what a friend is. During their play, the children have been working together, laughing together and helping one another. Through a variety of learning opportunities, the children are also becoming aware of what it means to be healthy. Visits to the local Co-Op, cooking in the kitchen, and being involved in active games outdoors have helped to develop their understanding of  healthy foods and exercise and how these keep you healthy. Through role modelling from practitioners and their peers, the children have also been carrying out daily hygiene routines, such as washing their hands before having snack.

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Early level curriculum

The new children have settled well into the early level  playroom and have been exploring the exciting opportunities on offer developing new relationships, as well as becoming familiar with the daily routine. The climbing frame has been hugely popular, with returning children, challenging their movement skills and new children experimenting with various ways of moving their bodies. Stories have been brought to life, particularly ‘Shark in the Park’ which the children have been listening to and exploring by making their own resources, retelling the story and using the Smart Board to see the story come to life. Through use of the playdough station, children have been developing their independence skills and creating some fabulous cakes! Our outdoor learners have created their own water zone and have been using the balance bikes where they have been developing their large motor skills.

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