Category Archives: Early Level

We are learning …

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Animal habitats have sparked huge interest in the children who have been participating in a wide range of opportunities to learn about where animals live. Not one species has been missed as the children explore and investigate habitats such as the jungle, the sea, and the forest and discover which animals live in these environments. This has evolved into discussions about human habitats and our own homes.

Mini beasts have been a huge focus in the nursery garden with the children learning what these animals need to survive, using the i pads to answer their ‘I wonder’ statements before using the information they have found to create some wonderful and interesting animal habitats. These have included the Snail Hotel and the very popular Pig Hotel. As well as this,  some children have participated in creating bird feeders, all of which has encouraged wildlife to visit the garden where the children have fully engaged in animal spotting, exploring the creatures they have found further with the aid of magnifiers.

Indoors, the children have brought the outdoors in and created some wonderful habitats for animals using the paints, clay and playdough while adding sticks, leaves and stones amongst other natural materials.  The blocks and small world resources have been used together to create forests, jungles and farms encouraging the children to sort and group. The possibilities for learning are endless!

We are learning …

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The children in the early level playroom have been learning through the context of nursery rhymes, with a particular focus on ‘Incy Wincy Spider.’ During outdoor play, the children have participated in searches for spiders and other creepy crawlies, hunted for webs and used the guttering in the water zone to bring the rhyme to life. Through the use of the ‘wonder wall’ the children have been able to develop their interest in spiders by wondering, asking questions and then using books and technology to find the information they need.  Spiders have popped up all over the nursery, from the water to the playdough table, and the creation of a giant spiders web using masking tape has attracted some very large spiders!

Outdoors, the children have been participating in energetic play and have been learning how to be safe, particularly when using the climbing frame. Daily opportunities to use the balance and pedal bikes, have enabled the children to learn how to control their movement and balance.

Where did that bunny appear from???

Franc Karpo the magician visited the children for an end of term treat.  Franc was a huge success and engaged some children in being a magician’s assistant made everyone laugh from start to finish, with the grand finale of a visit from his pet bunny ‘Benny’ much to the children’s delight.

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And so the learning continues

The arrival of the fairy folk has certainly inspired the children to develop their creativity skills as they planned and designed their fairy house, smurf and army barracks “as the fairies needed soldiers to protect them.”

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Two of the parents who recently completed the Nurturing Nature Forest School sessions have planned to enhance the outdoor learning by designing some pieces of furniture.  Watch this space or pop into the garden to see how the areas are developing.

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Bookbug what a giggle………..

Over the course of the week the children have celebrated Bookbug Big Giggle week by taking part in various reading opportunities in and around their local community.  Parents also took the opportunity to join in the children’s 3 Read to Nurturing Early Readers group, before setting of with their child to the local library.

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The story which gave the some of the children the biggest giggle was The Dinosaur that pooped a planet by Tom Fletcher and Dougie Pointer.


We welcomed senior pupils from Calderhead High School and pupils from Dykehead Primary School who spent time reading with the children in the nursery.  It was lovely to see the Primary 6 pupils most of whom had attended the nursery in the past and were able to confidently share their experience of being a nursery child.  The pupils were a credit to the school, who will all make excellent buddies to our children leaving in June.

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Residents from Rosehall Care Home enjoyed their visit from Bookbug too, where the children shared a few of their favourite stories.

We hope that Bookbug Big Giggle has demonstrated that books can be enjoyed anywhere at anytime.

The fairies have arrived

It all began when a little green clay glitter mushroom arrived in the nursery garden, no one knew how it got there as it certainly hadn’t grown like a flower.  Each day the children visited the spot to see if anything else changed.  Soon there were chimes on the trees, ribbons billowing in the wind. The children decided to make some small houses from recycled junk and coloured shape jewels.  They left them under the trees to find out if they would attract fairy folk or indeed smurfs. Then a letter arrived and so the fairy garden began to be created, as each day something mystical attracted a new fairy to the garden.  Why not have a look in the garden yourself.

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Elsewhere in the nursery the children have been learning about the different times within their day and what they liked about those times.  They haven spoke about the activities they attended on certain days and whether those were attended in the morning, afternoon or after dinner.  Some of the children set themselves a challenge to see how quickly it took them to complete the shape sorter game and recorded this in a chart.  A few of the children decided that they would create their own clocks, can you see how well their number formation is?  Have a look at the times within our day display in the playroom.

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The Ladybird Group Play on Pedals family learning session was extremely well attended, with children proudly demonstrating their growing balancing and pedaling skills.  There was even some younger siblings confidently joining in.

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We have been learning…….

We are continuing to investigate the properties of 2D shapes in our play.  You may of heard some of the new songs or joined in with your child as they check for familiar shapes at home.

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The children eagerly joined Mary from ABC music for a fun filled and motivating session where they were introduced to a variety of new instruments.

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Oh what fun we have had learning………

This week we have observed six children who are now confidently riding a two wheeler bicycle.

The children have been learning how to safely carry out their M checks before choosing either a balance or pedal bike.  With safety in mind they then ensure that their helmets are on before practicing their skills.

With the rate of progress the children are making we will soon have to turn the car park into a challenging cycle track.

If you can assist with any of the bike maintenance, i.e repairing punctures, raising handle bars and seats then please speak with Susan.

I am sure you will agree that the Play on Pedals programme is a fantastic opportunity for you to share in your child’s learning.  Friday 12th May 2017 will be the Ladybird Group family learning play on pedals session.


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The stories of Michael Recycle and Litterbug Doug have captured the children’s learning as they organised themselves into the Recycling Garden Gang.  Initially their job was to clear away the litter in the garden, they then learnt that they could recycle their left over fruit as food for the birds, that the rain water in the water butt could be used to feed the plants and that the junk could be turned into something creative…… out for some exciting news about the development of a Fairy Garden.

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On sorting out the recycled junk, the children were asked if they could sort them into items that had four sides, those that had no sides that went all the way round.  They then took their learning indoors and have began to learn about the properties of 2D shapes.  Why not at home ask your child can describe the different shapes they find in the house or perhaps ask them to teach you a few of the shape or days of the week songs they have been learning.

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The children have began to think of the different types of daily ECO tasks that they can be actively involved in whilst at nursery.  Here you can observe the important task of emptying and rinsing the milk cartons before they are recycled outdoors into the blue bin. I wonder how the children share in these tasks at home?

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If you would like a copy of any of the songs the children have been learning, please speak to your child’s key worker.

Can we remind you to ensure that your child has a spare set of clothes in their bag and a sun hat in the event that the sun begins to shine.

Being healthy and active

The children have been active participants  in many learning opportunities outdoors.  They have been exploring how to move their bodies, share space, work cooperatively, keep themselves safe and above all being healthy. And oh how the mud kitchen has ….well we are sure you can answer that one for yourselves.

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Daily opportunities to consolidate the Play on Pedals family sessions have helped develop the children’s balance and coordination kills.

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Sid and Shanarri have ensured that the children are linking their knowledge within practical application.  The children are now keen to develop their own healthy living café….watch this space as their plans develop.

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The re introduction of the large climbing frame has had a positive impact in developing the children’s spatial awareness. Through consultation they have created their own safety rules and turn taking framework by using a display chart of their names. The use of the 15 minute sand timer ensures that the children all have an equal chance of using this apparatus.

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Within the construction area the children have been exploring endless possibilities whilst using the Jegra.  They have used their imagination to create models developing their upper body strength to pull and manipulate the various connectors.  The Jegra has encouraged the children to share the space available and work cooperatively.

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The children have been encouraged to think about how the food they eat helps them to be healthy.  There  have been lots of conversations about breakfasts and lunches and the importance of how this helps fuel our bodies and brains enabling us to be active and ready to learn.

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And finally after all that energy used there was time for some meditation and  mindfulness as the end of each session.

World Book Day, and they lived happily ever after

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Through the week long opportunities cumulating in World Book Day.  The children have been demonstrating that they can retell a familiar story in sequence and use their own words to make up stories knowing that they must have a beginning, middle and end or indeed like many stories retold and rein acted this week having a “Happily ever after”.



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We wonder who’s wish came true?????, was it Snow White’s, Little Red Riding Hood or even the Giant who thanked the children for his potion, which turned him in to the friendliest giant ever.


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You can’t have a prince nor a prince charming without a crown.  The children used this as a context to compare and describe lengths and discuss whose crown needed to be longer or shorter in relation to the measurement of their heads.

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And then we has Prince Charming who had lost the buttons from his tunic.

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Fee, fi, fo, fum, who is going to create the beanstalk? Who’s footprints are the biggest, who’s are the smallest?  And what about the troll, how many bricks will it take to make the bridge? will we need all the same size?

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And finally a little bit of Dance with Rebecca on a Monday, where we have been learning how to use space safely as we keep to the beat.

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