Category Archives: Early Level

Every movement counts

Active children are healthy, happy, school ready and sleep better. Physical activity for early years

  • Builds relationships and social skills
  • Maintains health and weight gain
  • Contributes to brain development and learning
  • Improves sleep
  • Develops muscles and bones
  • encourages movement and co-ordination

Every Movement Counts, you should aim for at least 3 hours across every day.  Move more. Sit less. Play together

Last week we observed an increase in children’s development and movement skills through all aspects of their play and learning.  I am sure you will agree that the added bonus of the sunnier weather has encouraged your child to be more active at home.  Thank you to everyone who has ensured that their children arrive for their session protected from the sun, by applying sun scream and bringing a hat.

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The Play on Pedals Family Sessions have once more being a resounding success whereby we have an almost 97% uptake of family participation.  There is certainly a buzz surrounding our new cyclists.  Please feel free to bring your child’s own pedal bike and helmet to the nursery where they can continue to practise their skills. Watch this space for the photographs to be uploaded.


The final numbers are now in for the Summer Outing and the coaches have now being priced.  It is £8.50 per adult and child for a seat on the coach.  Many families have chosen to take their own transport and pay their own entrance fee, if you have chosen to do this please advise Lorraine in the admin office.

We are closed for Public Holiday on Friday 25th and Monday 28th May 2018. Have a lovely weekend everyone.

And the learning continues……..

Wow the children have been clearly demonstrating their learning and development skills over the last week.  They have been focusing on being healthy and active  through their learning and play opportunities. We have been encouraging the children to think about having a healthy breakfast and lunch prior to arriving at nursery.  The children have tasted a variety of new foods and used Carroll Diagrams to process their mathematical thinking. The children have been developing their movement and coordination skills through climbing, balancing and rolling.

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Outdoor learning has been a popular choice for many of the children, some of who have learned to ride a pedal bike, what an achievement. 

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Mini kickers started this week for all the children and a huge thanks to the parent volunteers who have offered to give up their time to help safely escort the children either to or from Calderhead High School.

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Sid and Shanarri have introduced the children to a new board game which takes the children through the well-being wood, encouraging them to think about their learning as they grow and develop. Remember to drop into the information session to find out how the children are using this literacy resource throughout their play.

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Forest school sessions have recommenced with a number of learners joining Nicola, Mhairi and Shannon, learning outdoors in at Shotts Nature Park. Watch out for the new weekly Nurturing Nature  Forest School Blog. 

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The joint play sessions with pupils and staff from Dykehead Primary School was a huge success, where the children spent time with their buddies learning together.

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Special Investigators

It all began when someone stole granny and tied her to the door handle……who could of it been, how could we set her free, how big were the foot prints, what clues can we find.

The children were set on  a mission.  First they had to make their special investigators identity card, then they had to wear night vision glasses and get through the forensic tape which had be set up.  The had to crawl through, climb over and under being careful not to leave fingerprints.  They had to check the patterns on every adults shoe to find out if they had matched the prints left. That day they went away puzzled.  The following morning they were surprised to find a trail of biscuits crumbs  which led them out the outdoor hut……..where they found Grandpa Joe, who told them it was him who had did it, why? they asked? because granny drinks too much tea and when she does she eats all the biscuits leaving him none.

What a team of investigators……………they learned to work cooperatively, measure, use technology, use mark making tools and above all had fun learning.

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We have been learning to………..

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Children have been learning all about shape in a fun and interactive way throughout the nursery environment and beyond. Almost all children have participated in shape hunts within the local community  or within the garden or indoors they have cooperatively played shape games, making shapes with the play dough, with their fingers in shaving foam and using paint or pens to create their own representations of known shapes the children have had the opportunity  to recognise, name, sort and describe the properties of the most common 2D shapes.

Many children have also had the opportunity to explore ways to design and construct their very own models. They have been encouraged to make a plan of what is going to be built, gather the materials they need from the loose parts around the nursery and with thought provoking questions they have been given the time and support to create their models which they have very proudly taken home to share with their families.

During ABC music sessions the children have been active participants in learning the rhyme “Jack and Jill”, we have been taking a closer look at the words within the rhyme, the sounds they make, the rhythm they have and the steady beat within it. We are now beginning to explore the syllables within the words which rhyme. We will then move on to exploring the sounds of the letters within our names and how many syllables we have within them.

Do you have any loose parts at home which the children could use at their tinkering table?…corks, nuts and bolts, chains, string, wood off cuts, wood shavings etc.

All of the children have been issued with an out in line of an egg to decorate at home, but they need your help to write an Easter joke, rhyme or riddle on the back. We will then use these at the annual family Easter egg hunt in Shotts Nature Park on Thursday 29th March 2018.


The building works continue…………

The children’s building zone continues to flourish. They have been planning their designs, measuring for size, width and height…..and as all workmen have a long leisurely lunch break, with their own ‘peice box’ which they brought from home. Now that they had undertaken a full risk assesssment and undertook a safety toolbox talk, they have begun to use real tools to fine tune their designs.

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Outdoor’s the children have been developing their movement and coordination skills, from climbing trees to using swings at he local park.  In the garden the cold weather has created an ever curious environment where the children have been investigating the ice.

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Through the 3 Read Nurturing Early Readers programme the children have been demonstrating their knowledge of character, setting and problem as they create their own representations.  Whilst two of boys demonstrate their love of their favourite story.

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A few of the children have been learning about initial sounds in words. They have been working as a group supporting one another, sharing their skills and knowledge.

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Digital technology continues to prove a popular choice of learning. They have been learning to use directional language as they use the remote control cars to knock down and count how many cylinders.  Within the touchtronics they have been learning to count on and back.

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In the cafe area, there has been a queue of people waiting to place an order and then being served some delicious home cooked foods

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We have been learning ……..


Through consultation with the children they have eagerly investigated and explored the new learning environments and resources  which has sparked a buzz of interest in and around the playroom with lots of discussions regarding where and how they would like to learn.

Children within the construction area have been motivated in taking on the role of builders, planners ,site managers and gaffers!! Ensuring the health and safety of all workers and visitors to the site by providing hard hats, high visibility vests  and marking off the area with tape and cones. Children  have had opportunities to develop and challenge their early literacy skills in the creation of  signs, posters and creating their own plans and daily lists of jobs that they require to complete in order to get “ their wages”. Some of the jobs completed this week have been, renewal of walls, laying flooring, construction of both a police station and airport and building a den . Lots of discussions have taken place to support the children’s awareness of number , measure and size as they problem solve whilst creating and bringing their plans and thoughts to life.

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The introduction of a variety of role play costumes and accessories have allowed the children to develop their imagination and creativity within their  play as they take on roles of police officers, doctors, animals , superhero’s and princesses . This learning has been supported with the children having a princess tea party at snack with sandwiches, tea and biscuits being offered.

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With the every changing weather in Shotts the children have continued accessing the outdoor environment , taking full advantage of the snow and wind to  make snowmen and create  their own kites. Creating a spiders web assault course supported the children’s movement and coordination skills as they problem solved how to manoeuvre their bodies up, over and through the web.

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Practitioners have been taking the lead from the children and supporting them in expressing their ideas and thoughts of  how  and where they are going to learn with children supported in their own choices with many sensory experiences being offered daily from shaving foam ,  finger paining ,scented and coloured play dough and potions being created within the water tray. These opportunities encourage the children to develop their control and coordination of their fine movements of their fingers and hands whilst developing the use of their senses.

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Within the ABC Music Matters  programme all children have had opportunities to develop their listening skills  by following instructions and  becoming aware  of how to maintain a steady beat through the use of musical instruments and following the sounds , beat and rhythm of music.

We hope you too have noticed the wonderful learning which is taking place.

Continue reading We have been learning ……..

We have been learning………..

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In the playroom this week the children have been experimenting with writing for a purpose through creating their very own fruit and vegetable shop where they have been writing the signs, making shopping lists and sharing ideas.

Letters in the play dough have given the children the opportunity to find out what letters are in their name and are beginning to develop an understanding that letters when put together make words.

A popular addition to the playroom has been the remote control cars which has provided the children with the challenge of waiting for their turn and negotiating with one another as they make their way around the track.

Wellbeing Wednesday has been greatly welcomed with SID and SHANARRI becoming integral part of the children’s learning, many of whom have suggested that it is those stories which they want to hear more of.

Outdoor learning opportunities are always in great demand, with many of the children demonstrating their independence skills whilst getting ready by putting on their waterproof trousers, changing their shoes and finding the correct size of wellington boots…….although we don’t always have hats and gloves to suit all tastes, so maybe pop a spare set into their nursery bags.

We have been learning ………

Within the early level playroom the children have been learning that being active is a healthy way to be. They have planned many outings in and around their local community. In order to get to the two local swing parks, they had to use their navigational skills to find their way which led them in part to walk past their own houses. Each child took the opportunity to lead the group, they were encouraged to use lots of directional language.  Almost all of the children knew their way to and from, with many being able to recite their address and recognise the numerals on their doors.

Together the children have been enjoying handling, tasting,  talking and learning about different foods which keep them healthy. Some children are even willing to taste some foods they have never tried before and they have now become a favourite food.  Next week they are planning to recreate their very own vegetable shop.

The children have been using a variety of  methods to share their feelings, creating their own representations, through stories and games which has encouraged lots of discussion. Many of the  children are beginning to express how they are feeling and identify how others are feeling with the use of emotional literacy.

Through play the children have been exploring interesting materials for writing and are beginning to use mark making for a purpose.

Kodaly and ABC programmes continue to be delivered within the sessions where children are learning to listen and participate actively following instructions in response to rhymes and songs.

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We are learning to …….

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Within the Early Level playroom the children have had opportunities to deepen their interest in learning about animal habitats, participating in  regular outings to the Nature Park to consolidate this learning has been of great support to this learning as the children are able to explore and discover within an environment that offers such depth with a very  hands on approach. On return the children have all been very motivated  in the creation of many habitats in and around the nursery with the creation of a rock pool and the new addition of a hedgehog home which will hopefully attract some hedgehogs !!

Nearly all of the children have had opportunities to explore the local community with library visits happening to celebrate National Library week and visits to Newmains Community Centre to celebrate The Discovery Film festival. Regular outings continue to be included within the children’s sessions with visits to the local shops to buy resources and materials to attract wildlife animals into the garden.

Kodaly and ABC programmes continue to be delivered within the sessions where children are learning to listen and follow instructions in response to rhymes and songs.

Children are beginning to become aware of how to use their bodies by taking part in energetic activities both indoors and out, developing new skills whilst becoming aware that being active is a healthy way to be.

The Halloween  party  was a great celebration had by all,with the children all looking fantastic in their costumes. The children all had plenty of fun participating  in a variety of games, songs and of course party foods was a favourite. A great big thank you to everyone who kindly donated party foods, plates, cups and Halloween goodies, the donations were greatly received.

A visit from Fiona from Zoo-ed had the children amazed as she magically brought the story of the Gruffalos Wean to life with a sprinkle of her magic dust and a few magic words appeared from the story came the mouse, the snake a frog  a rabbit and some lovely cockroaches. A big well done to the children who were brave and curious enough to hold, touch and clap the animals. This visit enabled the children’s learning of animals and their habitats  to be extended though this interactive storytelling session which was enjoyed by all.
