Whats on week beginning 11th March 2019

Monday 11th March

Kirsty not in nursery today

Ladybird Group stay & play session

Tuesday 12th March

Kirsty not in nursery today

Lorraine Annual Leave

Enhanced transition for some children at Dykehead Primary school with Isabel

0-3 Panel meeting this afternoon

Wednesday 13th March

Kirsty not in nursery today
Lorraine Annual Leave

Rainbow Room Bookbug with Amanda & Susan 9.00am

Emma – Oral Health-toothbrushing in nursery today

Thursday 14th March

Kirsty not in nursery today

Lorraine Annual Leave

Rainbow Room Bookbug with Susan & Amanda 1.00pm

Friday 15th March

Kirsty not in nursery today

Lorraine Annual leave

morning children who will attend Dykehead Primary School have their Forest School Transition with Buddy’s, Parents, Teachers. Dress for the weather & bring small snack