What’s on week beginning 17th December 2018

Monday 17th December 2018

For the children’s parties on Friday, we are looking for donations of the following:

Funsize chocolate

Pombear crisps

Coctail sausages, sausage rolls

Paper plates, cups, table covers

Christmas crackers

Tuesday 18th December 2018

Amanda is out of the nursery this afternoon

Siobhan is out of the nursery this afternoon

Wednesday 19th December 2018

Amanda is on annual leave the next 3 days, Isabel will be supporting in the room 

Gemma Speech and Language Therapist will be in the nursery today

Thursday 20th December 2018

Friday 21st December 2018

Children’’ Christmas Parties, full details are in the newsletter and on the ONELAN screen in the cloakroom. Why not stay and enjoy the festivities with your child, we are always grateful for help on these occasions, whether it’s to join in the games or help serve the party food.

This week is Gillian’s last few days as she finishes for her maternity leave, we look forward to hearing  the arrival of a new sibling for Orla.  Pamela has agreed to work full time to cover for Gillian’s leave therefore Pamela will be with the centre five full days.

In the new year we welcome Lynn Donnelly, student who will be undertaking her practical placement whilst she is studying early learning and childcare.

The staff at the centre would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year with your loved ones.🎄

see you all in 2019🎉