Bookbug Rhyme Time sessions

What a fabulous support we had at the recent launch of this terms Bookbug Rhyme Time, it was lovely to have colleagues from health and CLD to join us.

Every Wednesday morning the group will take place for you and your child from 9 am until 9.15 am with Susan and Amanda, where Bookbug will then issue you will a lovely rhyme bag to share at home with your child until the following session.

In the room we shall be incorporating the rhyme Humpty Dumpty, into the children’s play, we hope that you will help them hear it at home too.

 Top Tip from Gemma speech and language therapist

Extend vocabulary – give lots of repetition of words and offer choices to increase vocabulary e.g. ” apple or banana”. Speak in a lively, animated voice to highlight new words to your child.

Contact us


Facebook: Speech and Language Therapy NHS Lanarkshire

Telephone advice line: 01236 794102 (Thursday 2 – 4 pm)

Three read approach to literacy

The returning children have settled well into the new term , exploring the new resources,reconnecting with their friends, and helping the new children find their way around.

Research has shown that children who can confidently recite at least 4 nursery rhymes will have a greater success when it comes to reading, with this in mind we will now be incorporating a weekly rhyme into the children’s play.  As we have had so much rain over the past week the first rhyme which we are going to incorporate is Incy Wincy Spider.


The three read to literacy groups have been reformed based on the children’s stage of development and the progress they have demonstrated last year.  To help develop the children’s phonological awareness they will be taking part in weekly sessions of either ABC music or Kodaly, why not ask them which group they are in?

These are the stories which are being read with your child along with the new vocabulary which they will hear.

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What’s on week beginning 28th August 2017

Monday 28th August 2017

Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room today

Tuesday 29th August 2017

Early level children Nurturing Nature Forest School session with Nicola and Mairi, 8.50 am – 11.30 am

Solihull Understanding Your Child with Isabel and Karen, 9.15 am – 11.15 am in the Parent Room

Wednesday 30th August 2017

Bookbug Rhyme Time family session with Amanda & Susan in the Rainbow Room 9 am -9.15 am

Languagueland sessions with Gemma & Isabel 11 am and 3.30 pm

Thursday 31st August 2017

Lynn will be in the Rainbow Room today

Rainbow Room Parent information session Nurturing Nature Forest School, 9 am with Susan

Early level  children Nurturing Nature Forst School session with Susan and Yvonne, 1.10 am – 3.45 pm

Friday 1st September 2017

Lynn will be out of the nursery today

Rainbow Room Nurturing Nature Forest School family sesssion 9 am – 11 am, with Susan and Amanda

What’s on week beginning 21st August 2017

Monday 21st August 2017

Karen Reid Health Visitor will be in the centre this morning

Tuesday 22nd August 2017

Lorraine will be out of the centre this afternoon

Lynn will be out of the centre this afternoon

Siobhan will be out of the centre today, Isabel will support the Ladybird Group

Early level children will be participating in Kodaly or ABC sessions today

Wednesday 23rd August 2017

Lynn will be out of the centre this afternoon

Siobhan will be out of the centre today, Isabel will support the Ladybird Group

Early level children will be participating in Kodaly or ABC sessions today

Yvonne will be out the centre today

Languageland sessions today

Thursday 24th August 2017

Rhyme Time Parent information session with Amanda and Gemma, 9 am in the Parent Room

Jen Dawson, CLD Home Link Worker will be meeting the Rainbow Room parents at 9.30 am

Friday 25th August 2017


A huge thank you to all the parents who contributed to the consultation on the Emerging Literacy Home Link Resource for your and your child. And to all the parents who are keeping to the allocated drop off and collecting times for their children, it really is helping to keep you children safe and to ensure that practitioners have time to fully resource the learning and teaching areas. 











Welcome to the beginning of a new term

We hope that you all have had a lovey summer holiday and managed to get some sunshine no matter where you were.

Remember this session all the children will be issued with their own nursery bag to keep their personal belongings.  Each bag is labelled clearly with a picture of each child making it easier for them to identify.

Due to the reduced caretaking/ cleaning hours allocated to the centre, in the interest of safety and security the main doors will not be opened until 8.40 am or 9 am then again at 1 pm.  We would ask that you do not arrive prior to these times as it may result in you and your child waiting outdoors in incremental weather.

The centre would like to welcome Mairi Byrne and Yvonne McGirth who has joined the staff team as Additional Support Needs Assistants, Mairi will be contracted to 25 hrs and Yvonne 35 hrs.  Early learning practitioner Shannon Brown will be returning two afternoons per week with Amy McIntyre working five afternoons.

The Newsletter is both available as an attachment and on a paper copy from your child’s key worker.

Newsletter August 2017

What’s on this week

Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th In Service Training for all staff… service for children

Thursday 17th                              Children return

Friday 18th                                   Children return