Where did that bunny appear from???

Franc Karpo the magician visited the children for an end of term treat.  Franc was a huge success and engaged some children in being a magician’s assistant made everyone laugh from start to finish, with the grand finale of a visit from his pet bunny ‘Benny’ much to the children’s delight.

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Nurturing nature explorers

The morning children attended  Shotts Nature Park with their mum, where they put their curiosity skills into action by creating a  forest friend using clay.

Water whether that be made from a puddle or by a running steam provides endless possibilities. The children were fascinated by the ripples made by the stones as they threw them into the pond  and developed their early writing skills as they used mud and a sticks to create their marks on the ground.

In the afternoon the children explored the park independently as developed their awareness of risk as they  swung and climbed  the trees, built dens and played hide and seek.

Family learning sessions will continue alternate Wednesday’s for each session……Wednesday 19th July at 1 pm will be the afternoon families.  Please note that this is only for children who are currently registered to attend.