Oh what fun we have had learning………

This week we have observed six children who are now confidently riding a two wheeler bicycle.

The children have been learning how to safely carry out their M checks before choosing either a balance or pedal bike.  With safety in mind they then ensure that their helmets are on before practicing their skills.

With the rate of progress the children are making we will soon have to turn the car park into a challenging cycle track.

If you can assist with any of the bike maintenance, i.e repairing punctures, raising handle bars and seats then please speak with Susan.

I am sure you will agree that the Play on Pedals programme is a fantastic opportunity for you to share in your child’s learning.  Friday 12th May 2017 will be the Ladybird Group family learning play on pedals session.


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The stories of Michael Recycle and Litterbug Doug have captured the children’s learning as they organised themselves into the Recycling Garden Gang.  Initially their job was to clear away the litter in the garden, they then learnt that they could recycle their left over fruit as food for the birds, that the rain water in the water butt could be used to feed the plants and that the junk could be turned into something creative……..watch out for some exciting news about the development of a Fairy Garden.

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On sorting out the recycled junk, the children were asked if they could sort them into items that had four sides, those that had no sides that went all the way round.  They then took their learning indoors and have began to learn about the properties of 2D shapes.  Why not at home ask your child can describe the different shapes they find in the house or perhaps ask them to teach you a few of the shape or days of the week songs they have been learning.

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The children have began to think of the different types of daily ECO tasks that they can be actively involved in whilst at nursery.  Here you can observe the important task of emptying and rinsing the milk cartons before they are recycled outdoors into the blue bin. I wonder how the children share in these tasks at home?

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If you would like a copy of any of the songs the children have been learning, please speak to your child’s key worker.

Can we remind you to ensure that your child has a spare set of clothes in their bag and a sun hat in the event that the sun begins to shine.