St Patrick’s Primary School Transition

  St.Patrick’s Primary School and Nursery Class

Station Road, Shotts. ML7 4BJ Tel: 01501 826711

“Fortis in fide”

st-patricks-primary-induction-afternoon st-patricks-primary-induction-morning


Date: 15/02/17


Primary 1 Induction


Dear Parent / Carer,

We would like to warmly welcome all our new primary 1 children to attend a series of induction events during the week beginning 2oth February 2017.

Our first event will take place on Monday 20th and Wednesday the 22nd February 10:30 – 11:30. This will involve the children working alongside our current primary 1 pupils carrying out play activities on the theme of Traditional Tales.

The second event will take place on Friday the 24th of February at 10:30 – 11:30 with a special visit from Clyde Built Puppets who will be performing Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This will be followed by an open morning where the children will showcase their learning followed by tea and coffee for parents/carers.

This is a very exciting time for the children and we look forward to meeting you all during this event.


Yours sincerely


Miss C McDonald

Principal Teacher


St.Patrick’s Primary School and Nursery Class

Station Road, Shotts. ML7 4BJ Tel: 01501 826711

“Fortis in fide”



Date: 15/02/17


Primary 1 Induction


Dear Parent / Carer,

We would like to warmly welcome all our new primary 1 children to attend a series of induction events during the week beginning 2oth February 2017.

Our first event will take place on Monday 20th and Wednesday the 22nd February 1:30 – 2:30. This will involve the children working alongside our current primary 1 pupils carrying out play activities on the theme of Traditional Tales.

The second event will take place on Friday the 24th of February at 1:30 – 2:30 with a special visit from Clyde Built Puppets who will be performing Goldilocks and the Three Bears. This will be followed by an open morning where the children will showcase their learning followed by tea and coffee for parents/carers.

This is a very exciting time for the children and we look forward to meeting you all during this event.


Yours sincerely


Miss C McDonald

Principal Teacher



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