What’s on week begining the 30th January 2017

National Storytelling Week

Monday 30th January

Lynn will be in the early level playroom all week.

Tuesday 31st January 

Kodaly sessions delivered by Claire Howarth in the early level playroom.

Lynn and Elaine will be out of the nursery this afternoon.

Wednesday 1st February

Gemma speech and language therapist will be in the nursery today.

Lynn will be out of the nursery today.

Thursday 2nd February

Friday 3rd February

Lynn will be attending NLC  Mulit AgencyNurture Conference in Motherwell.

Elaine will be meeting with Claire from St Patrick’s Primary to plan the Health & Wellbeing workshop for the transition event.

Lorraine is on annual leave this afternoon.



Once upon a time………National Storytelling week



Can you think back to the time when you were little and your granny told you some wonderful stories which all began “Once upon a time……”, with each time she told it, there was a different ending with new characters popping up along as the story was told?

This week we will be encouraging the children to retell their own stories, which will not only develop their memory and  language skills but will also help develop their understanding of characters and setting, which they have been learning during the stories heard in their Three Read to Approach to literacy groups.

Why not rather than having a bed time story this week that you share an old fashioned “Johnny Morry Story” with your child.

We have been learning………

The children have been developing their numeracy skills in all aspects of their play, from counting in how many children there are in their group, making simple calculations, to chopping vegetables to follow the recipe of “tattie, carrot and leek soup”, which we are sure many families enjoyed tasting.  

SID and SHANARRI have been joining the children throughout the nursery as they are learning what it means to be Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included.  Why don’t you ask your child to tell you how SID and SHANARRI have been helping them as they explore the well-being wood.

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