By clicking on the link you will be taken to the times and dates of this weeks Primary School enrolments.
Monday 16th January 2017
Isobel McDonald newly appointed depute head of centre will be joining the team today.
Tuesday 17th January 2017
Have your say consultations with Amy 1 pm – 1.40 pm
Lynn will be attending a meeting in Airdrie this afternoon.
Wednesday 18th January 2017
Gemma Kelly SLT will be in the centre today.
Thursday 19th January 2017
Have your say consultations with Siobhan.
Lynn will be meeting with Jen Dawson, CLD Home Link Worker to plan this terms family learning opportunities,
Friday 20th January 2017
Have your say consultations with Gillian.
Lynn will be attending the planning meeting at Dykehead Primary, for the forthcoming Shotts Community Assests Transition Event.