What’s on week beginning 30th May 2016

Please note that June’s addition of the nursery newsletter is being distributed as a paper copy.  Remember to collect your copy from your child’s key person.

Monday 30th

Public Holiday – nursery closed

Tuesday 31st

Jackie is on annual lave today

Pamela is on annual leave today

Wednesday 1st

Lynn will be on annual leave until the 9th June

Dragonfly Family Play on Pedals session 8.45-9.15 am & 1 pm-1.30 pm

Yvonne Quigg Early Learning and Transition teacher will be in the early level playroom this morning

Gemma Kelly Speech and Language Therapist will be in the nursery today

Thursday 2nd

Pamela  is on annual leave today and tomorrow

Learning Together at Shotts Nature Park  with Nicola & Gillian 9 am

Jennifer and Liz supporting in the early level playroom today

Birth to Three Rhyme Time Stay and Play sessions with Christine and Elaine 1.15 pm

Friday 3rd

Learning Together at Shotts Nature Park with Gillian and Nicola 1.15 pm

Bumblebee Family Play on Pedals session 1 pm-1.30 pm

Play on Pedals Parent Champion Training in Parent Room 8.50-11.45 am

Play on Pedals Parent Session


What’s on week beginning 23rd May 2016

Carly is on annual leave all week, Pamela will be supporting the Dragonfly Group

Monday 23rd May 2016

Lynn will be in the Birth to Three nursery all week.

Clare McDonald, Principal Teacher from St Patricks Primary School will be vising the nursery this morning.

Mini Kickers at Calderhead High School.

Lynn will be attending a meeting at Richard Stewart Family Learning Centre this afternoon.

Tuesday 24th May 2016

Jackie will be delivering Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC this morning.

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting the early level playroom today.

Alison Hay will be visiting the nursery this afternoon.

Wednesday 25th May 2016

Nevine Mamhoud, Educational Psychologist will be in the nursery this morning.

Gemma Kelly, Speech and Language Therapist will be in the nursery today.

Yvonne Quigg, Early Learning Communication and Transition teacher will be in the nursery this morning.

Thursday 26th May 2016

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting the early level playroom today.

Learning Together at Shotts Nature Park with Nicola and Gillian 9 am.

Birth to Three Play and Stay Family sessions  1pm with Christine and Elaine


We will be closed on Friday 27th and Monday 30th May due to Public Holiday.

Early Level Playroom

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The children within the Early Level Playroom are continuing to develop their understanding of size and amount by observing, exploring and communicating with others. Through the context of mini-beasts the children have had opportunities to participate in matching, sorting and comparing games, exploring numbers and understanding that they represent quantities. Visits to the Nature Park have inspired children’s creativity and imagination in the creation of a bug hotel within the outdoor garden which we are all hoping will attract some bugs, birds and bunnies in the coming future, with a scarecrow ready to protect the seeds and plants.

Children are independently  accessing the creative art area and have been supported in sharing their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through activities within art and design, creating their own representations of beautiful butterflies, wriggly worms and scary spiders.

Within Together Time all children  have been learning  new songs to support the learning of life cycles, mini beasts and  planting and growing, some favourites include, Tiny caterpillar on a leaf, Wiggly Woo, Mary Mary and Incy Wincey Spider. Why not ask your child to teach you a few.


Nurturing Early Readers

The children will be exploring these exciting stories during Nurturing Early Readers over the forthcoming weeks.  They will be looking at the different characters, setting and problems within each story. They will also be introduced to new vocabulary within the story,  which is identified below in the photographs. Why not ask your child to share elements of the story with you.

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Life cycles

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The children within the early level playroom continue to learn about life cycles, and how living things depend each other. There has been lots of discussions about the various types of fruits and vegetables which grow from bulbs and seeds, with the children using these as a visual stimulus during creative experiences and having a taste at the snack table.  The children’s interests are now naturally moving on to other living things such as minibeasts, including worms, caterpillars and butterflies. Using fact books , they have been finding out new information about where to find these creatures and  have been searching for them in the nursery garden.

the great outdoors

Children in the birth to three nursery have been keen to take their learning outdoors. They have been learning to wait and turn take on the slide,  experiment with weight, measure and number in the mud kitchen and water zone, along with practicing and enhancing their movements using the balance bikes and through climbing up over and under benches, train and bushes. They all have been keeping themselves really busy.


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We would also like to say a huge big welcome to the new children who are now part of our nursery family – hope you all  have as much fun at nursery as we do.


Mini Kickers

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The children in the Early Level had a fabulous time during their first session of the Mini Kickers programme at Calderhead High School. They were provided with opportunities to develop their listening skills, gross motor skills and work together as part of a team. In this session, Dylan and David taught the children how to control the ball using only their feet before a fun game of football.

What’s on week beginning 16th May 2016

Monday 16th May

Sophie Thomson work experience from Calderhead High School will be in the early level playroom this week

Pamela is on leave today, Emma will be supporting the playroom

Mini Kickers at Calderhead High School, remember if you are available to help walk the children to and from that would be great.  Don’t forget your bottle of water.

St Patrick’s Transition Primary Activity Week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Lynn will be in the early level playroom all week

Amanda is on annual leave all week

Liz will be supporting the early level playroom this afternoon

Caterpillar Group Parental Consultations – Progress Reports – 3.30 pm – 5.40 pm with Elaine

Tuesday 17th May

Pamela is on leave today, Emma will be supporting the playroom

Jackie is delivering Play on Pedals to colleagues within NLC establishments

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early level playroom today

Wednesday 18th May

Elaine will be presenting at North Lanarkshire Council’s Learning Festival today

Natasha Henry student nurse will be spending the day in the Rainbow Room

Yvonne Quigg will be in the early playroom this morning

Gemma Kelly will be in the playrooms today

Early Level Parental Consultations – Progress Reports – 3.30 pm – 5.40 pm.  Where possible could all the children in the early level playroom be collected at 3 pm today

Thursday 19th May

Learning Together  Outdoors at Shotts Nature Park with Nicola and Gillian

Lauren will be supporting in the early level playroom today

Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the early playroom today

Emma will be supporting in the early level playroom today

Birth to 3 Stay and Play Parent and Child session with Elaine and Christine this afternoon

Solihull Understanding Your Child this morning with Jen and Louise

Friday 20th May

Carly is on annual leave today

Lauren will be supporting in  the early level playroom this morning

 Dykehead Primary School transition lunch visit which Jackie will be joining

Solihull Understanding Your Child this afternoon with Susan and Carol

Jackie will be attending a meeting at Stepping Stones Family Learning Centre this afternoon regarding Building the Ambition

Learning Together Outdoors at Shotts Nature Park with Nicola and Gillian