Children within the 3-5 playroom have returned from the Easter break full of energy and ready to learn. With the welcomed appearance of the sun and the temperatures rising the children have been even more motivated to explore the outdoor environment where they are discovering the sequence of how living things grow and develop as they plant seeds and learn what they need to survive. Going on bug hunts using magnifying glasses has introduced the children to size and amounts as they discover the interesting creatures that live in our garden, information books have provided further knowledge on these topics and helped the ladies to answer the many questions asked. Within the playroom these interest have been supported as children can recreate the images they have seen including flowers and mini beasts using a range of media. Jigsaws, table top games, small world resources and Smart Board programmes have been used to enable children to researching within a variety of ways.
Children and staff are super excited about the arrival of the baby chicks coming on Monday.