We are learning to……..

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During March 2016  within the early learning playroom the children will be learning how to:

  • explore the key elements within stories and share these with others
  • identify individual letters and which ones they need to copy words
  • explore the difference between size and amounts
  • develop my handwriting  grasp when using mark making materials, especially when drawing and writing
  • control my body during physical opportunities and experiences

The children will be developing these skills whilst learning about the life of a Pet in the morning  and whilst taking on the roles of explorers tracking down the elusive Swiper in the afternoon.  We hope that you will enjoy sharing in your child’s learning at home.

The children’s learning journey so far can be observed from the photographs within the slideshow above : 

What it means….

  • Almost all of the children are able  to retell familiar stories, identifying elements such as the character and problem and most can predict the outcome. 
  • Some of the children have been able to write in sequence letters to create their own name.
  • Most children have been able to make representations through mark making letters within their name.
  • Some of the children have been able to identify that their name has more, less or the same amount of letter as others and share this with others.
  • Some of the children have been able to use and understand the use of a capital letter at the start of their name and smaller letters for the remaining. All children have been able to mark make/write using modified tripod grasp and tripod grasp.
  • The majority of children show confidence in moving and controlling their bodies within a variety of learning opportunities indoors and out.


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