Christine remains on sick leave
Monday 22nd
Lauren is on annual leave today and tomorrow
Jennifer and Liz will be supporting in the centre all week
Carly is on annual leave today
Childsmile Flouride Varnish for children in the early level playroom
Lynn will be in the early level playroom this week
Lynn will be attending a meeting in Headquarters this afternoon
Tuesday 23rd
Jackie will be delivering Play on Pedals training to colleagues within NLC
Elaine will be supporting in the Rainbow Room this morning
Wednesday 24th
Alison Hay will be visiting the centre this morning to meet with Jackie and Lynn
Thursday 25th
Elaine will be attending the Infant Mental Health course this morning
Bookbug Parent & Child stay and play session this afternoon in the Sunshine Room
Lauren & Liz will be supporting the early level playroom this afternoon
Nevine will be in the centre today
Friday 26th
Join Siobhan at the Numeracy across learning workshop for parent & carers in the Parent Room
Susan is on annual leave this afternoon
Amanda will be supporting in the early level playroom this afternoon
Lynn and Jackie will be meeting with Lorraine Donnelly from Corporate Section this afternoon
Please note that Jen and Louise will be facilitating the Solihull Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour at 9 am till 11 am from Thursday 10th March, please return your completed application as soon as possible to Lynn. Places are filling up quickly.
Thank you for continuing to donate healthy food items for the children’s snack and for contributing to the weekly toy fund .
Why not take a few minutes when  collecting your child from the early level playroom to take a closer look at the Learning Walls, where we are sure they will take great pride in sharing the learning which has taken place.