Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fraction Fun in P3

P3 have been learning how to identify, read, write and draw different fractions. We have been making pizza, using washing lines and playing fraction bowling to help us.

Today we took to the great outdoors to practise drawing and writing 1/2’s, 1/3’s and 1/5’s.

Tomorrow we will start to solve fractions of amounts. Keep reading our blog to find out more!

Parent Zone Scotland

It is well proven that children do better when parents and educators work together.

Education Scotland have created a hub with lots of information for parents and carers.  Why not have a look!

Scottish Farms

After hearing one of our reading books this week, primary 1/2 asked if they could create their own farms. They worked cooperatively and developed their talking, listening and negotiating skills. Some groups also decided to incorporate some of our topic work and make these Scottish farms containing thistles, lochs and highland cattle. feb 191 feb 104 feb 109  feb 188

Read all about it, you heard it here first!

It has been a busy start to 2016 in Ravenswood Primary School. We have many exciting events to look forward to in the month of January and some new after school clubs have begun.

A copy of the newsletter and diary dates are available by clicking on the links below to keep you in the loop with all of our school activities and useful reminders.

Diary Dates – Jan 2016

Jan 2016

Rights Team Meeting Minutes

Rights Respecting Steering Group Meeting

Tuesday 12th January 2016 1.15pm-2pm

What did we talk about? What we will do? How we will do it?
January Competition




Rights Team assemblies





Reflection Room




Articles around our school and in our classrooms.



Friendship centre.


We will organise a competition to encourage our whole school to learn about rights.


We will retell the story of Hansel and Gretel to assembly.



We will inform everyone about the Reflection Room.



We will remind everyone in our school of rights respecting work.



We will help everyone enjoy their right to play by establishing and running a Friendship Centre in our playground.

We will announce the competition at assembly on Thursday.



We will ask everyone what rights Hansel and Gretel should have and do not get in this story. We will find a cartoon version of the story to play to the younger children in our school.

We will make a PowerPoint presentation for assembly to tell everyone about the Reflection Room.


We will display the relevant UNCRC articles next to rights respecting work around our school. We will go around the school and do this after the meeting.

We will plan games for our Friendship centre.  We will make a PowerPoint and present to the whole school about our Friendship Centre.

P1 Enrolment!

We are so excited to meet all of our new Primary 1 pupils. Ravenswood is ready to welcome parents, carers and of course the friendly faces of our new learners.

Please help us to spread the word about enrolment to anyone who you think requires the information.  Our attached poster has all the information you need. Click on the link below to view it.

You can also follow us on Twitter where you can read all about it @RavenswoodPS

P1 Enrolment