Author Archives: Miss Robertson

Primary 2 Go Yellow!

Primary 2 have been very busy over the last week, helping to raise money for Strathcarron Hospice.

We planned and organised fundraising activities for the week including a raffle. We sold our raffle tickets throughout the week, by Friday we had completely sold out! A lucky Primary 3 pupil had the winning ticket and took home an amazingly yellow themed prize.

Throughout the week we asked the school to donate any unused toys, book or DVD’s to our ‘Bring and Buy’ stall. We were amazed at the amount of items that were donated.

The best, and tastiest part of our fundraising week was the Tuck Shop. On Thursday we decorated our yellow themed cakes, Primary 3 very kindly helped us to prepare our Tuck Shop and baked some cakes for us to sell.

Friday had finally arrived and it was officially ‘Go Yellow Day’. The whole school made great efforts to dress in yellow on this day. Primary 2 had such a difficult time picking just one winner from each class, everyone looked super!

In the afternoon we were put to work as we invited each class to visit our Tuck Shop, Raffle and ‘Bring and Buy’ stalls. Everyone really enjoyed joining us in our fundraising for such a great cause.


We loved having the chance to have fun, while raising money for Strathcarron Hospice and would like to thank all pupils, teachers and parents who helped us in our fundraising efforts.

Your help is HUGELY appreciated!!

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Primary 2 – Local Superheroes

Primary 2 have been learning about local superheroes and the people who help us in our local community. So far we have learned about the Ambulance Service and the Fire Service. We have learned how these people help us and have investigated the uniforms they wear, the equipment they use, and their vehicles.

Today we had some special visitors… fire-fighters from Cumbernauld Fire Station! We were very lucky as we got to use some of their equipment and even got to sit inside the fire engine.

We are looking forward to learning about the Police Service next week.


Primary 2 Money Week Madness

Primary 2 have thoroughly enjoyed their week learning about the role of the bank and how to be super savers. We have been very busy making our own money boxes, creating a savings list, playing our money board games, designing our own bank notes and playing in our class bank. Phew…it really has been a busy week!


Day 1

We created a ‘money man’ to record our knowledge and feelings about money. Everyone contributed well to our super class discussion and was able to share something they knew about money. Playing our money board games proved to be so much fun as we had to keep our coins safe and ‘bank’ the money we made as we moved around the board.

Some of us made our own piggy money boxes to help us save our money, while others created a list of things we would like to buy with our pocket money. Our favourite activity was playing in the class bank. We had lots of fun depositing and withdrawing money, putting our money in cash bags, and opening bank accounts.


Day 2

We had a mission from our class superhero, Mr Fairness. Mr Fairness asked us to make new masks for some superheroes who had eaten too many Easter eggs! Through this activity Mr Fairness taught us about the role of Fairtrade and how important it is that farmers are given a fair price for their work. Primary 2 found this out the hard way as we had to make lots of masks (without taking breaks!) and were paid in counters for our work, which for some groups wasn’t always a fair price.

Day 3

Our trip to the bank finally arrived! We were so excited to visit the bank and find out more about how they keep our money safe. The lovely staff from RBS showed us the inside of a cash machine, and we were even allowed in the vault! We were amazed by bank and learned so much from our visit. At the bank we met Pigby, the RBS mascot. The infant department have now entered a competition to design a Pigby with the hope of winning an RBS piggy bank, wish us luck! Keep looking on the school blog for posts about our gorgeous Pigbys.

After visiting the bank we visited Tesco as Mr Fairness left us a shopping list. We needed to find Fairtrade and non-Fairtrade products and compare their prices. We found out that the Fairtrade products were more expensive as this helps farmers to get a fair price for their crops.

Day 4

By Thursday Primary 2 were money and Fairtrade experts. Using our expert knowledge we planned a ‘fair feast’ for Mr Fairness. We learned about budgeting, as we only had £5 to spend on delicious Fairtrade foods.

Mr Fairness asked us to design a Fairtrade carrier bag as he wanted to know who was buying Fairtade products so they could be rewarded. We came up with some excellent ideas and slogans for our carrier bags, we think Mr Fairness will find it difficult to choose just one!

Day 5

Our homework challenge this week was to design our own bank notes. Everyone put lots of effort into their designs, making sure that our notes had a value and a bank name written on them. It was very difficult to choose just one winner so we had two runner-up’s and two overall winners. Well done to everyone in Primary 2, your bank notes were amazing!