Scottish Castles with p1/2

Through our rights respecting schools work we know that every child has the right to a nationality. With this in mind p1/2 have started their new topic all about Scotland to find out about ours. We started by talking about what we already knew about Scotland, what we want to learn about and how we think we are going to find this out.

We drew pictures and recorded ourselves talking about what we already know.

We drew pictures and recorded ourselves talking about what we already know.

We watched a programme called “My Story” that showed what it is like growing up inside a Scottish castle. We made our own castles pictures and the finished results are amazing!

Measuring with cubes to ensure our castles won't be too small.

Measuring with cubes to ensure our castles won’t be too small.

Our finished product!

Our finished product!

Amazing artwork!

Amazing artwork!

Our children were so inspired they decided to make more Scottish castles during Golden Time!

A lego model of a Scottish castle.

A lego model of a Scottish castle.


Creative work- a paper castle!

Creative work- a paper castle!

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