Category Archives: bootcamp

New York, New York!

This past term we have been learning all about New York, New York. As groups we made different buildings and sculptures. The groups built The Empire State Building, The Plaza Hotel, Twin Towers, Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square and last but not least The Statue Of Liberty.It was very hard and at some points we struggled but in the end we worked together as a team to solve the problems to make these amazing works of art.

Take a trip with us to New York!!!


Our Experiment On Craters




















For our science we did an experiment on meteorites and the craters they made.  Our class decided to split up into groups. The groups  looked at different variables to make the crater deeper Our group decided to investigate if the size of the crater would be deeper if the meteorite (marble) was bigger. To do this we dropped  a marble into the sand and changed the size of the marble each time! After doing this experiment our group  found out that the bigger the marble, the deeper the crater was.

We really enjoyed doing this experiment and learned lots. We recommend this investigation!!




Sandy Science


As a class we have a science topic of space. Today we did a very messy but fun experiment. We were discovering how meteorite craters are affected by the depth of the sand. To carry out this experiment our group did the following;


We got tubs and changed the amount of sand in them to see the affect it would have on the crater. We then dropped a marble from the height of 30cm and it formed a crater.  The result turned out to be that the tub that was half full had the biggest crater. It measured 1.5cm.

We really enjoyed this and hope that we will do more like this in the future!

internet safety

Last week we were learning and writing about internet safety. We learned to be careful on the internet because people are not always who they say they are , so don’t tell anyone your name or any personal details and don’t arrange to meet anyone you don’t know.

Be polite and kind on the internet and always treat others as you would want to be treated.

Always keep your passwords to yourself and always sign out of Glow when not using it.

Never post any documents or image that you do not have permission to use.

Internet Safety

Our Pop-tastic Pop up Books!

We have been learning different techniques to create colourful and attractive pop up books. Some of the different styles are: box fold; mouth fold; slider; lift up flap; rotator and paper spring. It took a lot of  measuring, drawing, cutting, sticking, folding and colouring…

We have enjoyed learning these techniques.

Now our BIG CHALLENGE is to make pop up books for Primary 1 pupils to enjoy.

Bio Poem

Super Sevens

Primary 7 (superstars)

LOUD, crazy, fun and exciting

Mrs Doogan =the best

P7 enjoy the year ahead, last year here

GREAT!!! Day with each other

“Don’t fear the teacher is here!”

Race to Rio, fun for all

We want to see a cool eco school

The only and best school in Croy

Holy Cross Primary School


Welcome to our class blog. We are all really excited to be in Primary 7, although we can’t believe we are here already!

We have all been really busy since we started back in August. We are enjoying reading our novel ‘Jammy Dodgers on the Run’ and using our comprehension strategies to complete work.  Multiplication and division are the areas of Maths we are looking at …. keeping our brains active!

We are learning how to create Pop-up books and hope to share these with the new Primary 1 children. Also in Technology we are learning how to ‘Blog’ and use Glow.

We are enjoying the extra responsibility that comes with being a Primary 7, looking after younger children. buddying and wet play monitoring.

We hope you enjoy reading our blog. Check in for future news.