Our Experiment On Craters




















For our science we did an experiment on meteorites and the craters they made.  Our class decided to split up into groups. The groups  looked at different variables to make the crater deeper Our group decided to investigate if the size of the crater would be deeper if the meteorite (marble) was bigger. To do this we dropped  a marble into the sand and changed the size of the marble each time! After doing this experiment our group  found out that the bigger the marble, the deeper the crater was.

We really enjoyed doing this experiment and learned lots. We recommend this investigation!!




Sandy Science


As a class we have a science topic of space. Today we did a very messy but fun experiment. We were discovering how meteorite craters are affected by the depth of the sand. To carry out this experiment our group did the following;


We got tubs and changed the amount of sand in them to see the affect it would have on the crater. We then dropped a marble from the height of 30cm and it formed a crater.  The result turned out to be that the tub that was half full had the biggest crater. It measured 1.5cm.

We really enjoyed this and hope that we will do more like this in the future!