Bible quiz qualifying round

Our P6/7 team did a fantastic job at the Airdrie school bible quiz at the end of November and came in second place. This means that they have secured a place in the final next year!

They enjoyed the quiz, refreshments and festive story and challenge at the end.

Well done to Rebekah, Abbie, Stacy, Judith, Megan & Sarah-Louise for all their hard work and effort!


Dear Parents and Carers,
This letter provides some new information and some reminders to everyone about arrangements for events over the festive period.
Information is also posted on our school blog, accessible via GLOW or via our website
Updates are also regularly posted on the Parent Council Facebook page.
To keep costs down, we have reduced the number of texts being sent, so please ensure that you keep a note of date and times issued to you.
Staff Changes
We welcome Miss Gillian Brown to P3/4 and Mrs Kelly Goldie to P4/5/6. Both teachers are permanent to North Lanarkshire but are temporary to Plains Primary.
There will be further changes after Christmas as Mrs Erin McLuckie returns to work with P6/7. As Mrs Paterson begins her maternity leave at this time, Mrs Wilson will resume supporting maths and literacy groups in the mornings and will take responsibility for P1/2 on a Friday.
P7 transfer forms for High School
P7 pupils were recently issued with a form to complete and return to confirm the high school they wish to transfer to in August. Please return this as soon as possible so that the high schools can plan appropriately for transition.
Competition success
A number of our children entered the recent Story Stars Writing Competition in the Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser. We are delighted to report that Megan in P6 made it into the top 10 primary school entries for her story “Never Judge a Book by Its Cover”. There were over 250 entries from primary schools across Monklands so this is a significant achievement. Well done Megan!
Glow is an online platform that provides pupils will links to websites through the GLOW classroom and Microsoft Office 365 packages. Pupils can access these valuable resources at home and at school using their login and password. Some pupils have already been issued with these and others will receive them in the near future.
Apart from being a very useful resource to support learning, this resource would be extremely useful if schools need to close due to adverse weather.
If you have internet access at home, please encourage your child to log in and have a look around the site.
In the New Year, Gillian McOwat hopes to be able to offer a short course to parents on the use of GLOW to support learning at home.
Visit to Motherwell Pantomime-Snow White
This is booked for the morning of Monday 14th December. In order to be at the theatre on time, we will be leaving as soon as the buses arrive, just after 9am so please ensure that pupils come to school on time. Pupils should bring a snack and a drink as there will not be any opportunity to buy refreshments. We will return to school around 1pm.
Pupils must either bring their own packed lunch or order a school packed lunch to eat on return.
Pupils should wear school uniform as this allows us to identify Plains Primary pupils more easily.
We are most grateful to all those who contributed to the fundraising sponsored walk, as the money from this has enabled all of our pupils to attend this event completely free of charge.
In order for us to plan adult escorts, please let us know now if your child will not be attending.
Parent Christmas Craft Sale
A group of enthusiastic parents have been working together to make a collection of quality Christmas items for sale. The group has attached an advanced order form if you would like to order anything. Money must be sent with the order. Any left-over items will be sold at the Christmas concerts.
Christmas Dinner-8th December
All orders should now be in and any money paid.
Please note, there will be still be provision for pupils who would prefer to bring their own packed lunch on this day.
Prep Band Concert
There are 3 pupils from Plains Primary playing at the North Lanarkshire Schools Christmas Concert at Motherwell Concert Hall on Tuesday 8th December. We are very proud of their achievement. Arrangements for this and the rehearsal on Sunday 6th December will be communicated directly from the music staff to parents concerned.
Christmas Concert-16th December
There will be two performances of the Christmas Concert, one in the morning and one in the evening. Please note that timings are approximate.
Morning performance
9.30am-10am- Loch Morar and Loch Tay classes
The Sleepy Shepherd
10am-10.20am- Raffle/Brass group
10.20-11.10 Loch Lomond and Loch Awe classes
(Doors will open for audience at 9.10am)
Evening performance
7pm-7.30pm Loch Morar and Loch Tay classes
The Sleepy Shepherd
7.30pm -7.50pm Raffle and brass group
7.50pm-8.40pm- Loch Lomond and Loch Awe classes
(Doors will open at 6.40pm for pupils and audience. Pupils should report to the class base).
Admission policy
Admission will be at the cost of £2 per seat and should be paid at the door. (There is no charge for under 5s if they do not require a seat). The admission charge covers the cost of both performances. Members of the audience should sign in at the door.
Arrangements for pupils at evening performance
Pupils in “Who?” will remain in class bases during the performance of the nativity.
Pupils in the nativity will return to the class base after their own performance to get dressed, have a juice and snack and watch a Christmas DVD. Pupils can then be collected from the bases at the end of the “Who?” performance. This will allow parents and carers to watch both performances and will minimise disruption to the second performance.
Please note that Loch Morar and Loch Tay pupils will not be permitted to sit with their parents to watch the second performance. All pupils will get a chance to watch the performance during school time.
Any parent who is not attending the evening performance and wishes to take their child home straight after their performance (due to end around 7.30pm) should report to the class base to collect him or her.
Pupils in “Who?” will return to the class bases at the end of their performance.
All pupils (P1-7) must be collected by a known and responsible adult from the class bases.
Attendance at the evening performance
Please do your utmost to ensure your child attends the evening performance. Please notify the school at the earliest possible opportunity if your child is ill or is unable to attend.
Parent Council Raffle
The Parent Council are organising a raffle at each performance. Proceeds from both raffles will go towards funds for the school. A percentage of the admission cost will go to St Andrew’s Hospice and the rest to our own school fund.
The school has endeavoured to provide most costumes, but you may have been asked to provide some items of clothing. Please ensure these are all clearly labelled with your child’s name and sent in on time.
Our first dress rehearsal is scheduled for Thursday 10th December so all costumes should be in for this date.

Cashless System
As previously intimated, our school will start using the cashless system on Thursday 17th December. Pupils will each have a card to pay for school meals. Those entitled to free meals will have their cards automatically credited each day to the value of £1.85. Those required to pay, those who wish to spend more than this or those who wish to purchase breakfast or tuck will be required to credit their cards. This can be done manually, via a machine in school or via the internet. It would be very helpful if parents would take advantage of this system, and where possible credit their child’s card online on a regular basis.
Other payments, such as trip money and fundraising contributions can also be made in this way.
A leaflet with further information, was issued with the September newsletter. It can be found online at

P1-3 Party- Monday 21st December (am)
Pupils should wear party clothes. Santa will visit this party and parents are permitted into the hall at 11.30am to see this.
P4-7 Party- Monday 21st December (pm) All P4s will attend this party
Pupils should come to school in party clothes. Santa does not visit this party and parents are not admitted. If preferred, pupils can go home at lunch to get ready for the party, but it is fine to wear party clothes all day.

Christmas Service- Elim Gospel Hall – Tuesday 22nd December 1.15pm
Pupils and staff will leave school at 1pm and walk to the Elim Gospel Hall, hoping to arrive for 1.15pm.
Pupils will return to school after the service and will be dismissed for the Christmas holiday at 2.30pm.
School will reopen on Wednesday 6th January 2016 at 9am.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year when it comes!
Yours sincerely

Gillian Matthews,
Head Teacher

Kilbowie day 3!


Another great day from kilbowie. A huge happy birthday to Ewan who has had a fantastic 11th birthday with all his friends!

Today children have been participating in more fun activities such as gorge walking, coasteering, orienteering and rock climbing!

Tonight’s activity was a disco, think it’s safe they say they all had so much fun judging by the red faces at the end.

Lots of gutted children at the thought of coming home tomorrow already, but they will be coming home with lots of lovely stories and memories of their time here at Kilbowie!

Book Week Scotland 2015


Your free local event for families
will take place on:
Wednesday 25th November 2015
3 – 4.30pm In Chapelside Centre
We are delighted to welcome Lari Don, author of many fantastic children’s books who will make her stories come to life!
Lari will have signed books on sale at the end of the session if you wish to purchase one.

Other activities include
Comic Book Workshops
Puppet Making Workshops

For more information please contact: Gillian McOwat on 01236 757769

Kilbowie day 2!

image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image image imageWe’re nearing the end of our first full day in kilbowie and what a day the children have had. Despite the awful Scottish weather, the children’s spirits certainly haven’t been dampened.

Kids have participated in many fun activities today such as gorge walking, tree climbing, skiing and adventure walks. Feedback from the children has been very positive!

Tonight the kids worked together again for the nightline activity where they were blindfolded in an already dark forest to complete a muddy assault course!

Children are currently completing their log books before supper, already discussing tomorrow’s activities!

Excellent behaviour from the Plains primary children also has to be mentioned, they have been a pleasure to be around!

November Newsletter

Dear Parents and Carers,
This letter should bring you up to date with school news and alert you to times and arrangements for forthcoming events. Please keep this letter for future reference or write all the events on your house calendar.
We are inundated with phone calls from parents asking for information that has already been provided, and as I am sure you appreciate, this is not the best use of staff time.
Due to the costs involved, we are actively trying to reduce the number of texts being sent, so you will not receive as many reminders as before. The Parent Council does post reminders on their Facebook page.

Staff changes
As you aware, Mrs Coleman and Miss Gray are employed at Plains Primary on a temporary basis. As part of North Lanarkshire’s staffing recruitment process, both teachers have secured full time permanent positions; Mrs Coleman in Stepps Primary and Miss Gray in Logans Primary. Both teachers have made very positive contributions to Plains Primary and both staff and pupils will miss them very much.
It is not yet known when Mrs Coleman and Miss Gray will take up their new positions or who is likely to take over their temporary posts here in Plains.
I would also like to welcome Miss Mooney who is taking P6/7 on a part time basis and thank Mrs Paterson for taking on extra hours to help us maintain teaching cover until Mrs McLuckie returns after Christmas.

Progress Interviews
Thanks to all those who attended the progress interviews with their child. I hope you found it helpful and have a good idea how we can all work together to ensure your child makes good progress at school.

Community Learning and Development Groups
Gillian McOwat will be running a number of groups this month. Please look out for more details about the following groups:
P1 Bookworms- Thursdays between 11am-12pm.
Cooking by Numbers-Wednesdays 10.45am-12pm (invited pupils).
Grandparent Open Afternoon- Thursday 5th November, followed by a group for grandparents.
Superheroes afterschool club- Thursdays after school for children and their parent(s). If you are going to this club, please note that parents should collect their child(ren) as usual and then re-enter by the main door and sign in. This is a security procedure.
If you would like more information on any of these groups please contact Gillian on 01236 757769.

We are lucky to have the group Parent Action for Safe Play coming into school to provide an after-school club for our pupils. Sadly the numbers are very low. For this reason POPS is now open to ALL PUPILS. They must have returned a consent form and pay £1 each week. Pupils need to know if they have to go or not and who is picking them up.

Pupils have attended this club well. The club will run until 11th November.
A team will be selected to attend netball festivals at St Margaret’s on Wednesday 4th November and Wednesday 25th November between 12.30 and 2.30pm. Selected pupils will receive a text and should either bring or order a packed lunch on this day.
Photographs for Parent Council Calendar
You should have received a letter and order form for this year’s Parent Council fundraising calendar.
Elizabeth Orr, a local photographer and parent of a Plains Primary pupil has very kindly agreed to take the photographs and Gillian McKinlay, also a parent, has agreed to do the artwork and have the calendars printed. We are very grateful to everyone concerned with this process.
Please ensure your order form is in before 6th November. We will only take photographs of the children we have an order form for.

Any parents who may be looking for a photographer to carry out personal work can contact Elizabeth Orr’s Mobile Photography Studio on 07702100834 or 01236 606610, via email or on facebook.

Micro-fitness will visit the school on Friday 6th November. They will deliver a half hour taster session of their fitness programme to P3/4 and P4/5.

Science Challenge
P7 will visit Caldervale High on Monday 9th November between 12.30 and 2.30pm for a transition activity. Our pupils will work with pupils from other local primaries on a science challenge.
Pupils should bring or order a packed lunch on this day.

Cross Country
Selected pupils from P5, P6, P7 will take part in the cross country festival at Coatbridge Outdoor Centre on the morning of Tuesday 10th November. Those selected will be issued with an information letter and consent form. Only those who return the form by Monday 9th November will be permitted to go.

Dress as You Please or Wear Pink and Blue
A “Dress as you Please Day” will be held on Friday 13th November. Pupils should pay £1 to wear their own clothes. The money raised will be forwarded to Mrs Forbes’ collection for equipment for the Wishaw Maternity Unit.
As “Pink and Blue” is a campaign to raise awareness of pregnancy and infant loss, it is suggested, but not compulsory, that your child might want to wear something pink or blue.

In-service Day
A reminder that the school will be closed to pupils on Monday 16th November for a staff in-service training day.

P7 will attend North Lanarkshire’s outdoor education centre from the 17th- 20th November inclusive. Mrs Coleman and Mr Paterson will go with them.

Flu Immunisation
This will take place in the school on Monday 23rd November. Only those pupils who have returned the consent form will be immunised. The entire process is managed and administered by Health Professionals.

School Photographer
The photographer will visit on Tuesday 24th November to take class photographs and those who were missed on the last occasion. If you have any queries about this please contact Mrs Paul or Mrs Miller in the office.

Bible Quiz
A team on P6 and P7 pupils will take part in the Monklands Bible Quiz at Airdrie Ebenezer on Tuesday 24th November. Thanks to Mrs Paterson for coaching this team.

Pupils in P6/7 have been issued with an information letter about the work planned for Thursday 26th November.

Health Promotion
Pupils are not permitted to bring fizzy drinks to school, nor are energy drinks to be consumed in school. Only water, still juices and milk are permitted. I would also ask that parents limit the amount of sugary snacks given during the school day. Too much sugar is bad for the teeth and can affect the behaviour of some children. In the interest of safety please do not give lollipops to school. Thank you for your help and support with this.

Dates for December
• Parent Council Meeting 6.30pm Wed 2nd Dec
• Visit to Motherwell Theatre for Pantomime- Mon 14th Dec
• Natvity plays (all classes) 9.30am and 7pm- Wed 16th December
• Cashless system launched 17th December
• Christmas Parties- Mon 21st Dec
• Christmas Service at Elim Gospel Hall- 1.15pm Tues 22nd Dec
• Stop for Christmas holiday 2.30 pm Tues 22nd Dec
• Return to school Wed 6th Jan 2016

Yours sincerely

Gillian Matthews
Head Teacher

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