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Infant Registration 2017

Children who attain the age of 5 years between 1 March 2017 and 28 February 2018 should be registered during the week commencing Monday 16 January to Friday 20 January 2017.

Registration at Plains Primary will take place at the following times:

Every day at the following times:

If these times do not suit, please phone the school on 01236 757693 to arrange an alternative time.

Due to difficulties in the past, each child’s birth certificate and proof of address in the form of the current council tax bill must be produced.



Apple treats for our buddies!

Primary 1/2 had a great day baking some delicious muffins and flapjack using some of the apples they had been learning about.  They had also been learning about ‘entertaining’ and so decided to share their treats with their Primary 6 & 7 buddies.  They did a super job of setting and decorating tables, as well as serving the food and clearing up at the end!

Christmas Dinner


Christmas dinner will be served on Wednesday 7th December. If you pay for your child’s lunch, please ensure that sufficient money is on your child’s card by Monday 5th December. This will avoid long queues and allow staff to debit the cost in the morning before service. Please note that there will be no tuck shop on Wednesday morning.

Visit to pantomime next week


The whole school will be visiting the Townhouse in Hamilton to see Cinderella on Tuesday 6th December. Please ensure pupils are in school on time as we will be leaving as soon as the bus arrives.

Pupils who would like a school lunch should order a packed lunch in the morning and this will be eaten on return (around 1pm). No one should arrange to go home for lunch on Tuesday.

Pupils should wear their school uniform and are permitted to bring a sensibly sized snack and/or drink. Ice cream will be provided for the interval. No money is required and pupils will not be permitted to buy anything at the venue.

We are looking forward to the first main event of the Christmas season!