Category Archives: Uncategorized

Indoor/Gym Shoes





It has come to my attention that many of our pupils’ indoor shoes have fallen into a state of disrepair and are a potential trip hazard. Others no longer fit.


All pupils have been instructed to bring their indoor shoes home. Please check the condition and fit of your child’s shoes over the holiday and replace if necessary. If your child’s shoes are fine, just return them for their continued use in January.


Please help us by assuring that all pupils do have a pair of safe indoor shoes for Monday 9th January 2017.


Thank you and Merry Christmas

Thanks for the terrific support at our school shows tonight.

Can I remind everyone that recording of the performance was prohibited. If you have photographs with other people’s children in them please be respectful as to how and where these are shared. Thanks for your cooperation with this.

On behalf of everyone at Plains Primary, we would like to wish all of our families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.choir

Christmas Parties- Wednesday 21st December-Reminders



The P1-3 party will be in the morning. We are expecting a special visitor and hope he arrives around 11.30 am. Parents are permitted to come in and see this part of the party.

P4-7 party will be in the afternoon. Although we don’t expect a special visitor to this party, it will still be full of fun and games.

All pupils are encouraged to wear their party clothes and are welcome to wear them all day long.

Christmas Shows- 20th December

landlords-cat primary-school-christmas-musical

There will be two performances of the Christmas Concert, one in the morning and one in the evening of the 20th December. Please note that timings are approximate.

Morning performance

9.30am-10am- Loch Morar and Loch Tay classes

The Landlord’s Cat

10am-10.20am- Raffle/Brass group

10.20-11.20am- Loch Lomond and Loch Awe classes-

Primary School Musical

(Doors will open for audience at 9.10am)

Evening performance

7pm-7.30pm Loch Morar and Loch Tay classes

The Landlord’s Cat

7.30pm -7.50pm Raffle and brass group

7.50pm-8.50pm- Loch Lomond and Loch Awe classes

Primary School Musical

(Doors will open at 6.40pm for pupils and audience. Pupils should report to the class base).

Admission policy

Morning and evening admission will be at the cost of £2 per seat and should be paid at the door. (There is no charge for under 5s if they do not require a seat). The admission charge covers the cost of both “The Landlord’s Cat” and “Primary School Musical”. Members of the audience should sign in at the door.

Arrangements for pupils at evening performance

Pupils in “Primary School Musical” will remain in class bases during the performance of “The Landlord’s Cat”.

Pupils in “The Landlord’s Cat” will return to the class base after their own performance to get dressed, have a juice and snack and watch a Christmas DVD. Pupils can then be collected from the bases at the end of the “Primary School Musical” performance. This will allow parents and carers to watch both performances and will minimise disruption to the second performance.

Please note that Loch Morar and Loch Tay pupils will not be permitted to sit with their parents to watch the second performance. All pupils will get a chance to watch the performance during school time.

Any parent who is not attending the evening performance and wishes to take their child home straight after their performance (due to end around 7.30pm) should report to the class base to collect him or her.

Pupils in “Primary School Musical” will return to the class bases at the end of their performance.

All pupils (P1-7) must be collected by a known and responsible adult from the class bases.

Attendance at the evening performance

Please do your utmost to ensure your child attends the evening performance. Please notify the school at the earliest possible opportunity if your child is ill or is unable to attend.

Parent Council Raffle

The Parent Council are organising a raffle at each performance. Proceeds from both raffles will go towards funds for the school. A percentage of the admission cost will go to St Andrew’s Hospice and the rest to our own school fund.


The school has endeavoured to provide most costumes, but you may have been asked to provide some items of clothing. Please ensure these are all clearly labelled with your child’s name and sent in on time.

Our first dress rehearsal is scheduled for Friday 16th December so all costumes should be in for this date.