All posts by Mrs Matthews

Parent Council Calendars and Christmas Cards

fb_img_1477328191162Please look out for an order form for calendars and Christmas Cards. These will be issued tomorrow and must be returned with full payment by Thursday morning. Apologies for the short turn around on this one.

UPDATE-In order to be able to take your child’s photo and pass it to third parties, we MUST HAVE your order by Thursday morning. However, given the very short turn around, payment may be deferred until next week. If you would prefer to pay next week, please mark your order PAYMENT TO FOLLOW NEXT WEEK. I hope this helps and encourages everyone who would like a calendar/cards to place their order tomorrow.


As some of you may know, the school has been working with Gordon White from the Plains Allotments on various projects over the years. This year we hoped to install a workshop at the allotments which would allow our pupils to carry out a range of practical and technical tasks.
Gordon has applied for grants on our behalf but has now managed to secure a donation of a portacabin ideal for conversion. It is being delivered very soon.
As a result, we urgently require volunteers to help clear the site at the allotments. If you are free between 12pm and 4pm on Saturday 29th October, please go along to the allotments and offer your labour. Please note that adults not children are required to help.
Your help will be very much appreciated! Tea and coffee will be served.

Cross Country

Well done to the 10 pupils who ran in today’s Cross Country Festival at Coatbridge Outdoor Centre. Great effort from all of them and very good behaviour. Also a big thanks to coaches Gillian McCardie and Graeme Paterson and parent supporter Lesley Kelly!

xc1 xc-eilidh xc3 xc4 xcp5 xcp6-boys xcp7girls xc7

Free School Clothes

We have a collection of school clothes available to parents free of charge. Some items have been donated by parents and others have been collected from lost property. They will be available at parent’s night next week, or alternatively you can call in at the school via the main office to view what is available.
We have jumpers, cardigans, jackets, blazers, skirts, pinafores, trousers, white shirts, yellow dresses and a small number of polo-shirts.


We are running out of space to store for these items so anything that is left following parent’s night, will be added to our next “Bags for School” collection.

Harvest Collection for Airdrie Foodbank


This year our Harvest Collection will be for the Airdrie Foodbank (Trussell Trust). They are in urgent need of the following items:
Tinned tomatoes
Tinned fish
Tinned meat

They will also welcome donations of:
UHT or powdered milk
Fruit juice (long life cartons)
Tinned puddings
Tinned fruit

Your contribution should be made before the Harvest assembly on the 14th October. They will all be gratefully received.

Open Mornings

Thanks to those parents who were able to attend the Loch Tay open morning. Your child should have brought home an evaluation for you to complete. Please return this to the school. Your comments are of value to us and help us to plan future events.

The next open morning will take place this Thursday (29th September) 9.30-1.30 and is for pupils in Loch Lomond Base (P4/5/6) with Mrs Wilson. We hope that you can attend.

The final one, for Loch Awe Base (P6/7) is scheduled for Thursday 27th October, again between 9.30 and 10am.