Scottish Attainment Challenge- BMT at PE

As part of the Scottish Attainment Challenge our school is receiving access to a physical and active health programme called Better Movers and Thinkers (BMT). To look at the impact of BMT you are being asked to complete a short survey. It will take around 10 minutes to complete.

The survey will ask you about any changes you have noticed in your child’s learning behaviours since the beginning of the programme last October.

All information will be treated as confidential. No parents/guardians or children will be mentioned in the research. Data will be held securely and will not be kept for longer than necessary.

The findings will be used in a report for the Scottish Attainment Challenge and summary information will be presented to schools and other establishments in North Lanarkshire.

Taking part in the research project is voluntary and permission can be withdrawn at any time by contacting the school or the research team at Psychological Service on 01236 856 200.

If you are happy to participate in the research the survey can be found by going online to the following web address:

The survey will be available to complete between 6th February and 20th February (Two weeks).

Thank you in anticipation for your support and cooperation.

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