Read, Write, Count


Helen is also planning a Read, Write, Count group for P1-3 pupils and their parents. This will run on Wednesday’s between 1.30pm and 2.50pm. Please come along and work with your child to find fun ways to practise reading, writing and counting in your every day routine.
On the 25th November at the end of National Book Week, every P1-3 child should receive a Read, Write, Count bag of goodies from the Scottish Book Trust.

3 thoughts on “Read, Write, Count”

  1. I would really have loved to come along but as a working parent I just can’t. Would be good if some of these classes were run at night. Thanks

  2. This one is actually for parents of P1-3 pupils, and the First Minister’s Reading Challenge is for P4-7 but your point is very valid and one I will discuss further with Helen.

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