10 things why you haven’t got my homework in school

 10 things why you  haven’t handed your homework in

1.I went on holiday and it flew out the plane.

2.The cat peed on it.

3.My Mum was having a baby so I had to look after her.

4.I went to see my family in Australia and I was at the sea most of the time.

5.My dad was reading it and ripped it up because he thought it was the news paper.

6.It was folded up but my Mum thought it was pastry and baked it in the oven.

7.I was washing my hands and it got flushed away.

8.My Mum was waking the dog and picked up the poo with my homework.

9.I left it in my old house.

10.I left it in the park then teenagers came and used it as a cigarette.




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