Primary 1b 2020

Just another – North Lanarkshire site

Home Learning Ideas Week Beginning 18.5.20


Hello P1b


Hope you are all safe and well! I enjoyed getting some pictures sent to me last week. Thanks very much they put a huge smile on my face!

Please find ideas for home learning for this week below.


  • Continue to work on your Maths grid from last week. Have some outdoor maths fun!
  • Remember to log on to Sumdog and check out the class competition for this week!
  • This week activities for Maths on Studyladder are on Time and adding within 20! This is a Chilli challenge! Good luck!


  • Here is a fun Time video for you to watch to help revise what we have learned already –


  • There is a great video on BBC Bitesize about Clocks and Calendars also –


Phonics & Spelling 


  • Studyladder literacy activities set – lots of activities with letter q this week, enjoy!
  • This week the sound is:       q / qu

Have a look at Geraldine Giraffe to help you practice.


  • This week the common words are :       are   dad   not


  • Activity 1 – Practice writing you sounds and common words. You can do this on paper with pencil, crayons, pens etc. You can dothis outside using chalk, squirting water from a bottle, making them out of twigs and stones be as creative as you can.


  • Activity 2 –Read and write some words starting with your sounds like ant, pig, sip …. and draw some pictures to match the words.


  • Activity 3 –Use some of your common words to write some sentences or tell an adult some sentences like – I got an apple from the fruit bowl.


  • Activity 4– Make flashcards of your common words and try jumping on each one when an adult calls them out or read each one as you jump on them or even throw a ball onto each word and read them when the ball lands on a word or stick them on a wall and shoot them with something.


  • Activity 5– Have someone give you a little test at the end the week to write the sounds and spelling words you have been practising.


This week’s I am hosting another reading quiz on Kahoot. It will be on Thursday at 11am. See our class Teams chat for further details.



This week your book is ‘The Dragon Balloon’ which can be found in the Oxford Owl eBook library.

If you would like your child to complete a written task, I have attached it below.

Click here for The Dragon Balloon follow up task



Health & Wellbeing 


  • Continue to get daily exercise, perhaps a walk with your family or exercise classes online with Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or Jumpstart Johnny or any other good resource you have been using.
  • Growth mindset. It is very important to have a healthy mind also aswell as healthy body. Please watch the next video below about Mojo the monster and then discuss with a parent the questions at the end.


Minibeast Topic

Activity 1 – Last week you learned all about the life cycle if a butterfly. This week you could learn all about the life cycle of a frog. Watch the video below to learn about the stages of a frogs life. You may also want to finish the cut and stick activity attached.

Click here for Frog Life Cycle cut and stick

Activity 2 – using leaves or other outdoor materials, make an insect of your choice. See the picture below to give you some ideas!



  • Hope you had fun practising you numbers in French last week! Please have a look at the following video to practice colours in French. If you like you can send me a video of you saying the colours in French!


Stay safe and have a good week!


Mrs Bamford


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