Overtown Primary School

September 29, 2015
by User deactivated

Mrs Paterson visits P3/2

Primary 3/2 had a visit from Mrs Paterson today. The children enjoyed listening to her talk about life on the farm and especially enjoyed finding out how many seeds  came from each stalk of wheat.

September 25, 2015
by User deactivated

Sponsored Assault Course

Well done to everyone who took part in our recent sponsored assault course. The children all enjoyed the course which was created by our Primary 6 class. We are still awaiting some final sponsored forms and money but so far you have helped to raise over £1000 which will be used to pay for transport for educational excursions. Thank you to all who have helped raise this amazing amount of money.

Phonics in P1

September 24, 2015 by Mrs Hamilton | 1 Comment

We can match capital letters to small letters. Some of us even know our alphabet!

We can match capital letters to small letters. Some of us even know our alphabet!

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with t!

I spy with my little eye, something beginning with t!

DSCN0290 DSCN0289

We can make words with the sounds we know.

We can make words with the sounds we know.

Looking for sounds we know

Looking for sounds we know


Sorting the sounds for our sound post box!

Sorting the sounds for our sound post box!


Fishing for Phonics - what sounds can you find?

Fishing for Phonics – what sounds can you find?

We can make "a" with playdough.

We can make “a” with playdough.

We made "a" with pegs.

We made “a” with pegs.

P1 are having great fun learning lots of new sounds.


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September 23, 2015
by Miss Potts

Sponsored Assault Course

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Well done to P6 for creating and help run the sponsored assault course today. It was very successful. All of the classes seemed to have a great time.



September 18, 2015
by User deactivated

J.R.S.O update

Our Junior Road Saftey Officers (J.R.S.O) have sent a letter out today to explain our new plans and rota for cycling and scooting to school for P4-7. Please check bags and complete the attached slip if your child/children wish to be involved.

Please click the link below to access the cycling/scooter rota.

Cycling Rota

September 16, 2015
by User deactivated

Primary 3/2 recent visit to Kittochside Farm Museum

This term Primary 3/2 are working on a topic called On the Farm. The children have taken part in a variety of activities to help them learn about  farm animals and the products that we get from them.

p3 and 2 2015-16 026
p3 and 2 2015-16 074

We started the Topic with a visit to Kittochside Farm where we had a ride on a tractor and trailer up to the farm to learn about milking and meet some calves and piglets.  Last week we learned about where milk comes from and made our own butter which we enjoyed tasting! This week we have been learning about the journey from sheep to woolly scarf.

September 16, 2015
by Miss Potts
1 Comment


As part of our Hogwarts topic all of Primary 6 worked hard to write a speech about why the should be chosen as their house prefect. They were all  very persuasive.

Some of the class then put themselves forward to deliver their speech. After a democratic vote our winners were ……….




Well done to the new prefects of Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff!

September 16, 2015
by Miss Potts
1 Comment

Honeydukes Homework

Well done to all of Primary 6 who worked hard to create their own sweet packaging to be sold in Honeydukes. It sounds like they all had great fun.  Thanks to all the parents who got involved too.


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