Lanarkshire Childcare Services drop off and collect a number of children from our school. They provide childcare before 9am and after 3pm and during school holidays. This is independent of the school and further information may be obtained by calling them on 01698 383485.
Bellwood Out of School club provides childcare for children aged between five and 13, between the hours of 8am-9am and 3pm-6pm. Bellwood cater for up to 13 children for their breakfast club and 40 children in their afternoon session. Bellwood currently pick up from two schools in the area which are:
Knowetop Primary school
Our Lady and St Francis Primary school.
The children from Our Lady and St Francis Primary are taken to and collected from school by walking/ bus.
There is a 1:8 child/staff ratio in place during pick up times.
This is independent of the school and further information may be obtained by calling them on 01698 230 455.