Our Lady and St. Francis Primary School


Our Nursery Vision

We want our OLSF family to be happy in a safe and nurturing learning environment, where children can reach their full potential through fun discovery and play.

Our Aims

  1. For all our children to reach their true potential, ensuring equity and equality.
  2. To provide good communication and have open channels for feedback. Our community would like their voices to be hard and opinions valued.
  3. For our children to have worthwhile, valuable, experiences and opportunities, which is led by our children, for our children.
  4. To create an environment that is warm, welcoming and nurturing, whilst providing challenge and stimulation for our children.
  5. To maintain high standards from our staff to support our learners, with an emphasis on CLPL, encouraging staff development and knowledge.
  6. For our children to build friendships and create strong bonds with our staff and the wider OLSF family.

Our Lady and St Francis Nursery is a local authority nursery in North Lanarkshire catering for up to 54 children aged 3-5 years and up to 10 two year olds.  Currently we operate a term time model.  We open from 9 o’clock to 3 o’clock. We work in partnership with our families and community to create a learning environment that provides children with opportunities to become secure in their learning and develop skills for life.

If you are thinking of enrolling your child in our nursery, please visit https://www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/early-learning-and-childcare/early-learning-and-childcare-applications to download an application form.  This application can be sent to the Acting Head Teacher (nlsemplec@northlan.org.uk) or the enquiries mailbox (enquiries-at-ourlady-st-francis@northlan.org.uk).

If you would like to read more about what we do, have a look at our twitter feed (@olsfnursery).


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