The North Lanarkshire Council website has been updated with information for parents and guardians on how ICT is being used to support learning and teaching in schools and how it can be used at home home if there is internet access. The information will be particularly relevant in the winter months when service delivery may be interrupted if we experience severe weather.
GLOW – All children have been given their glow details which you’ll find inside their homework diaries; this tells them their Glow user name and password. Lots of links to useful educational websites have been added to our school Glow pages.
Primary 1, 2 and 3
Literacy – Phoneme Pop, Starfall, Kipper Stories, BBC Bitesize, CBeebies Stories
Numeracy – Doubles, Number Bonds, Counting, Find the Number, Adding
Other Websites – Barnaby Bear
Practice nativity songs
Make a snow maze!
Make a Snow Angel!
Build a snowman!
Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7
Literacy – Find five fabulous verbs in your novel. Can you think of another five verbs to replace them with?
Practise your punctuation by playing some of these games online.
Practise your spelling words.
Play a spelling game online.
Write a report about snow: How is it formed? Why is it white? Click here for help.
Numeracy – Cool Maths, Fuel the Brain, Maths Frame, Primary Interactive, Primary Games, Games
ICT – Practise your mouse skills and help the snowman through the maze.
Log into Glow and update your eportfolio.
Internet Safety – Write a do’s and don’ts of staying safe online.
Science – Are snowflakes really all different? Carry out this science experiment to find out. You may want an adult to help you.