Our Lady and St. Francis Primary School

Week Ending 15th January 2015


Last week we welcomed all of our new starts during infant registration.  It was lovely to meet all of our new boys and girls, and we will welcome them back for induction afternoons at the end of May.  Our P3 parents came along to an information evening for the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Tuesday; workbooks will be issued for this very soon.

For our week ahead, it is financial education week.  Our children will be taking part in lots of money themed activities and we are even having visitors from the Credit Union and Lloys Bank to speak with our children at assembly.

Mrs Crooks’ P7 class and P6 choir members will be recording a song that our P7 children wrote in class as part of a song writing project.  They will record their song on Wednesday and also one more of their choice.  CDs will then go on sale – more details to follow.

Our P4/5 class will visit Glasgow Science Centre on Thursday of this week to  launch their Clyde in the Classroom project.  They will receive lots of information on how to take care of their trout in the classroom.  They are still collecting 500ml bottles for this project, so if you have any at home, please send them in.

Our after school clubs start this week and include choir, zumba, science, tri-golf, cross country and drama.  We are very fortunate that every single member of staff has volunteered to take at least one after school club this session again.

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