Our Lady and St. Francis Primary School

w/e 10th January 2020


Our first week in 2020 has been a quick one.  Our Primary 7s continued their transition programme to Taylor High School.  Their behaviour has been exemplary so far and we are so proud of their efforts.

All class photographs were taken on Wednesday and will be available over the next few weeks to purchase.  More information to follow.

A huge thank you goes to Mr McGuire, one of our nursery parents, and his colleague, Mark, who gave up their Saturday morning to build an outdoor shelter for the nursery boys and girls.  It came at a perfect time, as we are experiencing lots of rain and wind at the moment.  The children will use the shelter to get changed and to allow them protection from the elements, without having to go indoors.  Thank you again Mr McGuire and Mark for helping us.

Looking towards next week, we will be enrolling our new P1s every day between 130 and 3.  If you are enrolling your child, bring along a birth certificate, proof of address and a baptismal certificate, where available.  I look forward to meeting our future OLSF P1s.

Next week is Financial Education Week.  We start the week by having a whole school assembly on Monday to introduce the children to the world of finance and to give the children a little insight into what they can expect for the rest of the week.  We have experts coming to deliver money workshops in the upper school and the infants will have a money themed Big Play in the gym hall.

On Tuesday, our nursery will hold the first Solihull group for parents.  It is an excellent programme, helping parents understand their children.  We hope it is very successful and all participants find it worthwhile.

A representative from Missio will talk to all the children at a whole school assembly on Wednesday.

We will have our sacramental meeting on Wednesday at 6pm in the school gym hall.  Parents of both Reconciliation and First Holy Communion candidates can attend and will learn a little more about the sacrament, what their role will be and how the school will support the children through sacramental preparation.  We look forward to seeing you there.

P7 will continue their Taylor High School visits and will be looking forward to their Kilbowie trip the following week.

We will end our week on Friday with a whole school assembly to conclude Financial Education Week.

I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend and I look forward to see you all tomorrow.

Miss Lewis

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