We have had such a busy week! We started the week with Christmas Lunch. We had turkey or steak pie and finished with ice-cream and cake – yummy!
After 4 amazing nativities, our P1-3s were rewarded with a wee day off on Thursday. Our children were super stars and had the same energy for the last show as they did the first. Well done, boys and girls! I would also like to thank the staff for all their hard work and effort.
We finished the week with the P6 & 7 party. They were dressed in their finest clothes and, if the noise from the hall is anything to go by, they had a brilliant time. Thank you to our wonderful parent council for providing sausage rolls, snacks and selection boxes. We are very lucky to have you supporting us.
Looking forward to next week, we have four more parties:
P4s and P5s on Monday 16th December
P2s and P3s on Tuesday 17th December
P1s on Wednesday 18th December
Nursery on Thursday 19th December.
Thursday will be a dress down day, a letter will be sent out with more details.
We close at 230 on Thursday. I hope everyone has an amazing holiday and a truly magical Christmas.
Miss Lewis