Observing and following the children’s interests has led us to transform the home corner into a hairdressers this week. Consultation with the children helped us resource this area and their ideas have been inspirational. This experience is encouraging role play activities along with involvement in both literacy and numeracy skills.
Our new outdoor waterproof suits have arrived and are being used daily to keep the children clean and dry while involved in physical play and exploration. Thanks to everyone who has already contributed to the toy fund to allow us to replace our old waterproofs. Children are enjoying their time spent in the natural environment and have invented dramatic play scenarios involving dragons and knights.
In discussing with the children about what it means to be safe in nursery, we are introducing Sid & Shanarri to the new children and home packs are already in progress. This pack explores the GIRFEC principles in a fun way and you can expect your child to have one home soon.
We continue to use signs to introduce and enforce the nursery rules and routines, the children are responding well to this. Staff were happy to hear that children were continuing good hygiene practices into their own homes.
W/e 14th September 2018
September 14, 2018 | 0 comments