All the new children have settled well and are beginning to learn about the nursery routines. They are enjoying spending time with their group at Welcome Time and keyworkers are loving this opportunity to get to know them better. This special group time encourages social skills and communication, in smaller numbers, alongside sharing and taking turns.
This week we have introduced group snacks on two days to enhance the children’s social experiences and encourage their independence in this area. Staff have spent time modelling hand washing techniques and hope children will continue this at home. We have also focused on good table manners and are impressed by the children’s responses. Toothbrushing is an integral part of the snack routine and encourages good oral hygiene. The children are beginning to show recognition of the individual symbols on their personal toothbrushes.
Our context for this month is” My Nursery”. The experiences and outcomes for this are displayed in the cloakroom for all to see. Some of the children’s drawings of themselves and their comments on nursery are also displayed, which meet the Social Studies outcome for this month. The nursery uses the school twitter account, so please look out for photographs of what’s happening here. Mrs Douglas.
W/e 7th September 2018
September 7, 2018 | 0 comments