We have just finished our first full week in our new term. Our week ended with a lovely Mass over at St. Francis Xavier Church where P7 led the liturgy.
Our Primary 1 pupils continue to settle in really well, and their P7 buddies have been doing a great job with them. From next week, the buddies won’t join them for lunch but will let them eat with their peers, work on their independence, and meet them in the yard.
Your child should now have a note of their PE day; please ensure your child has their kit with them and does not wear jewellery to school that day. On that note, please remember that hooped ear-rings of any kind are not permitted to school for health and safety reasons.
Some of our parents have asked about purchasing new homework bags; please contact the school office for this.
Looking to our week ahead, we have a Parent Council meeting on Monday at 6.30pm and all are welcome. We really need new members, so if you can spare an hour every six weeks, please come along.
The following week is our World of Work Week and we are looking for parents to come along and talk about their jobs to our senior pupils – a letter has gone home about this. If you can help, please let us know as soon as possible.