Welcome to our new school year! Our new Primary 1 pupils have done well so far and our Primary 7 buddies have been fantastic role models and friends to them. We will now be encouraging the children to line up themselves so we ask that parents move behind the green gates when the bell rings.
Our first newsletter will be issued next week, so please keep an eye on your child’s bag/emails for this. We will also post a link to it electronically on twitter.
Please return your annual data form to the office as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so and please provide an email address so that we can email letters out to you quickly and efficiently.
Our whole school will attend Mass on Friday at St. Francis Xavier Church to celebrate the start of our new school year. Please note, there will be no coffee morning following this Mass as we already have one scheduled for the 7th September.
As always, if you have any comments or suggestions for our blog, please use the comment facility on this page. Any urgent enquiries, please contact the school office.