We have just finished another busy week at OLSF. Our nursery children enjoyed a play session in Primary 1 as part of our extensive transition programme.
Looking to our week ahead, some of our P6 pupils will represent our school in the Euroquiz competition on Tuesday morning. Our P7s will be going to Stirling Sheriff Court on Wednesday after school to participate in their mock court trial (P7 parents, can you let the office know if you would like to travel with us on the bus and we will accommodate as many as we can). Our pre-school nursery children will enjoy another transition ‘play’ visit with P1 again this week.
As it’s Catholic Education week, a cluster Mass has been organised for Thursday at 11am in St. Francis Xavier Church. Representatives from every class will attend this Mass.
On Friday, it is our First Friday Mass and coffee morning led by P5. As always, everyone is welcome and we are looking for donations of shop bought baking and raffle prizes.
We are nearing the end of the Tesco Bags of Help competition – please remember to ask for your tokens if shopping in any local Tesco store and vote for OLSF to give us the chance to receive £4000 for our yard.