We have had a very successful first week back at school. All staff have had the opportunity to spend a day with their stage partners, planning for the term ahead, moderating literacy work, and looking at the new benchmarks as a form of assessment for their pupils.
Our P7 pupils had their first visit to Taylor High School on Tuesday and they are looking forward to their future visits. Science and music seem to have been particular hits!
On Thursday afternoon we had the privilege of a visit by the local author, Jane Burns. The children were very entertained by her and her book and we are looking forward to future visits from her.
Looking to our very busy week ahead, please note there are a number of menu changes from Tuesday to Friday as part of Scottish School Meals week (all details are on twitter).
On Monday evening, the Parent Council have organised Halloween Discos for our pupils. Tickets are available from the school office, or you can pay on entry (£2 per child).
On Tuesday afternoon we are having our Halloween parade – children should come to school dressed as normal and change at lunch time. Staff will be on hand to assist children who are not going home for lunch and have brought their costumes in with them.
On Wednesday, we will be celebrating Mass at 10am followed by our coffee morning and P6 will lead this month. Please contact the school office if you can assist at our coffee morning (and thank you to those who have already offered). As always we are looking for donations of shop bought baking and raffle prizes.
On Thursday, fluoride varnishing will be taking place for our nursery, P1 and P2 children whose parents have returned consent forms.